


美式发音: [nekst] 英式发音: [nekst]










adv.after that,then,afterwards,afterward,after



1.下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的coming straight after sb/sth in time, order or space

The next train to Baltimore is at ten.下一趟去巴尔的摩的列车十点钟开。

The next six months will be the hardest.接下来的六个月将是最难熬的。

the next chapter下一章

Who's next?下一位是谁?

the woman in the next room隔壁房间里的女子

I fainted and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital.我昏迷了,醒来时只知道自己在医院里。

Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know , you're married with three kids.这一带的人十六岁中学毕业,接着就结婚,生三个孩子。

2.~ Monday, week, summer, year, etc.紧随其后的;下一个的the Monday, week, etc. immediately following

Next Thursday is 12 April.下个星期四是 4 月 12 日。

Next time I'll bring a book.下次我带本书来。


I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man , but this is going too far.我和平常人一样喜欢开玩笑,可这太过分了。

the next man, woman, person, etc.平常人;一般的人the average person

I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man , but this is going too far.我和平常人一样喜欢开玩笑,可这太过分了。


1.紧接着;随后after sth else; then; afterwards

What happened next?随后发生了什么?

Next, I heard the sound of voices.接着,我听到了说话的声音。

2.~ best, biggest, most important, etc.… (after/to sb/sth)其次的;依次的;仅次于…的following in the order mentioned

Jo was the next oldest after Martin.马丁下面年龄最大的就是乔了。

The next best thing to flying is gpding.好玩程度仅次于飞行的就是滑翔。

3.(用于询问,表示吃惊或困惑)used in questions to express surprise or confusion

You're going bungee jumping? Whatever next ?你要去蹦极?还想干什么?


1.[sing]下一位;下一个;下一件a person or thing that is next

One moment he wasn't there, the next he was.他前一刻还不在那里,一会儿又在了。

the week after next下下周





adj.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to the time, event, action, person, etc. that comes after this one or after another one2网站屏蔽ed for referring to the place that is closest to where you are; used for referring to the first place that you come to when you continue moving

adv.1.The superlative of nigh

1.下一步 speak 讲,说 407 next 下一个 408 term 学期 409 ...

3.下一页 "Navigation Bar" 导航条" "Next" 下一页" "Page Bottom" 页面底部" ...

4.预见未来 “Finish” 结束 “Next继续。 “Developer Machine( 开发测试类, ...

7.然后 busy adj. 忙的;繁忙的;忙碌的 next adv. 然后;接下去 strict adj. 严格的;严厉的 ...


1.I hope by the next aero upgrade to see another step, but honestly by next year the team should be very strong.我希望下一个空气动力套件的升级能上到新的台阶,但坦诚的说,车队要到下赛季才会强势。

2.Over the next few days, we'll be bringing you a series of features on corporate volunteers in Taiwan. The subject of today's segment is Mr.接下来这几天,我们将推出一系列台湾企业家志工的专题报导,今天的主角是潘机利。

3.I never gave it a look till the next day, on a boat cruise on the Danube, bound for Budapest.直到第二天在多瑙河上开往布达佩斯的游览船上我才想起看一眼。

4.The next time you think you're perfect, try walking on water.下次如果觉得自己了不起时,试试行在水上。

5.The next step, he said, is breaking out the causes of death of patients to determine bow higher exercise capacity cuts the risk of death.他同时指出:下一步工作应是将研究范围从病人死亡的致命原因扩展到证实运动能力将会在多大程度上降低死亡率。

6.So what's next? "Yeah, I don't know, just go chill with my friends, " he said. "Go skate. Go do something normal for a change, you know. "下一步呢?”啊,我不知道,和朋友呆们在一起“他说:“去滑旱冰,改变一下,做件普通的事情”

7.Availabipty of these elements will be largely be controlled by Chinese supppers for at least the next several years.在至少未来几年中,稀土材料的供应将主要由中国供应商所控制。

8.The Wigan game was such a massive disappointment that you think it might be 'make or break' in the next game.维根比赛是非常大的一次失望,你觉得下场比赛也许是他‘生死一战’。

9.But the press release issued by the fire department the next day would be a secondary source.但是,第二天救火部门所发布的新闻公告就是第二手来源。

10.I spent the next half hour with an ice cube and a plastic knife, scraping tar off the bottom of my shoes.接下来我花了半个小时用一块近似立方体的冰块和一把塑料刀把柏油从我的鞋底擦去。