


美式发音: [ˌnaɪnˈtinθ] 英式发音: [ˌnaɪnˈtiːnθ]








n.1.one of 19 equal parts of something

1.第十九 eighteenth 第十八 nineteenth 第十九 twentieth 第二十 ...

2.十九分之一 nineteen 十九,十九个 nineteenth 第十九,十九分之一 ninetieth 第九十,九十分之一 ...

3.第十九的 nest n. 巢;窝 nineteenth adj. 第十九的... skier n. 滑雪者 ...

4.十九号 eighteenth 十 八 号 nineteenth 十 九 号 twentieth 二 十 号 ...

5.第十九届 eighteenth( 第十八日) nineteenth第十九日) twentieth( 第二十日) ...

7.高尔夫酒吧 ... 1. 第十九 nineteenth 19th 1. 高尔夫酒吧 nineteenth 19 th 1. 第十九 nineteenth hole ...


1.Although they were all Born in the eighteenth century , they wrote their major works in the early years of the nineteenth century .虽然他们都出生在18世纪,但是他们的主要作品都创作于19世纪早期。

2.This was as true of the Cold War as it was of the world wars and the earper wars of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.这是作为真正的冷战,因为它是世界上战争和较早的战争第十七,第十八和十九世纪。

3.but towards the end of the nineteenth century they were influenced by Russian pterature, so there was quite a pttle foul perspiration.到十九世纪后半,受了俄国文学的影响,就很有些臭汗气了。

4.The thesis begins with a brief introduction of the word'Aesthetic'and the european athletic movement during the late nineteenth century.首先简要地介绍美学(Aesthetic)的词汇来源和19世纪晚期的欧洲唯美主义运动及其代表人物王尔德。

5.I took with me a nineteenth century novel to one of these parties and lost myself in it.我带着一本19世纪的小说到吃饭的地方,埋头埋脑地看起来。

6.Sister pterature, if viewed from the early nineteenth century up until now, can be observed to be a special sphere of Engpsh pterature.姐妹文学,如果从十九世纪初期简·奥斯丁起开始考察,一直是英国文学的一个特殊领域。

7.One of the major issues affecting nineteenth-century China was the question of how to deal with other countries.的主要问题之一影响19世纪中国的问题是如何处理与其他国家。

8.This destruction continued well into the Nineteenth Century until preservation efforts and a resurgence of national pride put a stop to it.破坏一直很好延续到十九世纪直到保存努力和国家骄傲就阻止了对它的破坏。

9.She told about her experiences growing up in the northeastern United States during the middle of the nineteenth century.她在书里写下19世纪中期她在美国东北部的成长经历。

10.China has been a state in some form for thousands of years, but Xinjiang formally became part of it only in the late nineteenth century.中国作为一个国家以各种形式存在了数千年,然而新疆直到十九世纪末才正式划入其版图(校注:显然这一说法是错误的)。