


美式发音: [niˈpɔn] 英式发音: [niˈpɔn]





un.1.the Japanese name for Japan

1.立邦 “日立 HITACHI”, “新日铁 NIPPON”, “高周波 KOSHUHA”, ...

4.立邦漆 9 长颈鹿 Giraffe 2 立邦漆 Nippon 3 华润 Huarun ...

5.日本新日铁 蒙古 MONGOLIA · ΜΟΗΓΟЛ ШУУДАΗ 日本国 日本邮便 NIPPON 越南社会主义共和国 VIET-NAM ...

8.日本轻钢 ... Fujikura( 藤仓) Nippon日本轻钢) UST Mamiya( 玛米亚) ...


1.Manufactured by the Nippon Electric Company (NEC), the drum-based machine was one of the earpest transistorized Japanese computers.由日本电气公司(NEC)研制的,这个鼓型的机器是日本最早的晶体管计算机之一。

2."Our plan is to turn the Osaka plant into a hub for exports, " said Shinji Nishio, Nippon Oil chief executive.新日本石油首席执行官西尾进路(ShinjiNishio)表示:“我们的计划是将大阪工厂变成一个出口中心。”

3."The Ultraman series can be enjoyed by an entire family over three generations, " Koizumi told Nippon Television.小泉在接受日本电视台的采访时说:“奥特曼是一部一家三代都能看的电视剧。”

4.Nippon Steel Corp. , Japan's largest producer of the metal, returned to a first-quarter profit after boosting output to tap demand in Asia.由于开辟亚洲市场带来产量猛增,日本最大的金属生产商新日铁出现首个季度盈利。

5.We feel very honor that the NWA(Nippon Wave Association) is going to having a professional contest together with this event.日本将职业积分赛之其中一站设于台湾,这也是亚洲第一场跨国风浪板职业赛事。

6.A: Why? You told me that your group had a deep interest in the Nippon Center.为什么?你告诉我你们集团对力宝中心非常感兴趣。

7.A Nippon Oil spokesman said the firm has made no such decision.新日本石油一位发言人称,公司并没有做出此决定。

8.After years of delays, Boeing at last dispatched the first of its new 787 Dreampners to All Nippon Airways.延期数年之后,波音最终首次向全日空发货其新型787客机。

9.And the greatest loss is known as "the world's second-largest steel company" Nippon Steel Company, fell as much as 6. 7% for the day.而损失最大的是号称“世界第二大钢铁公司”的新日铁公司,当天的跌幅高达6.

10.As the largest Japanese steelmaker, Nippon Steel traditionally represents other Japanese steel makers in iron ore negotiations.作为日本最大的钢铁企业,新日铁传统上代表日本钢铁业出席每年的铁矿石价格谈判。