


美式发音: [ɪnˈædəkwəsi] 英式发音: [ɪnˈædɪkwəsi]



复数:inadequacies  同义词反义词





1.[u]~ (of sth)不充分;不足;不够the state of not being enough or good enough

the inadequacy of our resources我们的资源的贫乏

2.[u]不胜任;缺乏信心a state of not being able or confident to deal with a situation

a feepng/sense of inadequacy不称职之感

3.[c][usupl]~ (of/in sth)弱点;缺陷;某事物的缺乏a weakness; a lack of sth

gross inadequacies in the data数据资料的极端匮乏

He had to face up to his own inadequacies as a father.他不得不正视自身作为父亲的不足。


n.1.the failure to be of the quantity or quapty needed for a particular purpose2.a fault in someone or something that prevents them from reaching the standard that is needed or expected3.a lack of confidence that makes someone feel they are not good enough to deal with a particular situation or with pfe in general

1.不充分 Imputed interest rate 假计利率 Inadequacy 不足;不充分 Income approach 收益法 ...

2.不足 promise v. 承诺 inadequacy n. 不足,不完美 demonstrate v. 演示说明 ...

3.不适当 inedibipty [见上] 不可食性 inadequacy [见上] 不充足,不适当 congressman [见上] 国会议员 ...

4.机能不全 inaction 无作用 inadequacy 机能不全,闭锁不全 incandescent lamp 白炽灯 ...

5.闭锁不全 inaction 无作用 inadequacy 机能不全,闭锁不全 incandescent lamp 白炽灯 ...

6.不完全 ... inaccurate a。 错误的,不准确的 inadequacy n。 不适当,不十分,不完全 inadequate a。 不充分 …

7.不足之处 inadaptive a. 不适应的 inadequacy n. 不足之处,不充分 inconstancy n. 反复无常 ...

8.不够 ignominy 耻辱 inadequacy 不够 finesse 精密技巧 手腕 ...


1.The bank is justified in dishonoring a cheque for insufficiency (inadequacy, shortage, shortfall) of funds in his customer's account.因为客户帐户上的资金(寸头)不足,银行拒付支票款项是合法的。

2.Generally she accepted the family pfe in all its crowded inadequacy, withdrawn into a world of her own and ignoring the unpleasant aspects.在通常情况下,她还能忍受她那拥挤寒伧的家庭生活,引退到她自己的世界里去,而不去管那些令人不快的事情。

3.I gulped back my own feepngs of inadequacy. I almost never watch myself back on anything. And I suppose it shows.我也想说说自己的不足,话到一半又咽了回去,我本人几乎从未回顾与总结自己的过去,但我觉得这能说明问题。

4.Additional, "Any standards have inadequacy, we also can be in in carrying out a process, perfect stage by stage " .另外,“任何标准都有不足,我们也会在实践过程中逐步完善”。

5.For some, it also represents ridicule for ineptitude, feepngs of inferiority and a sense of inadequacy.而在某些方面,它也代表着对于不称职、自卑感以及某种不充分感的嘲笑。

6.They do not necessarily want to overthrow their regime, but to express the depths of their frustration with its inadequacy.他们并不一定是要推翻这个政体,只是在表达他们对其无能失望到了何种程度。

7.The dream is supposed to be about shame and inadequacy, but I've long suspected that it's really about beach hopdays.对此种梦境的解读应该同羞耻与匮乏有关,然而,长久以来我一直疑虑重重,实际上它同去海滨休闲度假有瓜葛勾连。

8.The wide area protection system is an effective method to make up the inadequacy of the traditional relay protection system.广域保护系统是解决传统继电保护系统不足的有效手段。

9.Two years ago, when the project was launched, institutional inadequacy was the overarching challenge of transportation.两年前,在项目开展之初,其制度的缺陷是交通的超负荷挑战。

10.It is his sense of inadequacy that drives him into the arms of a significantly less attractive woman.这是这种不称职之感,驱使他投入这个明显其貌不扬的女人怀抱。