


美式发音: [ˈnɪksən] 英式发音: [ˈniksn]





1.尼克松是手机耳机行业的知名品牌,聪明点为您精心挑选了此款尼克松Nixon)Trooper 时尚多彩立体声音乐耳机 红/黑色的相关销 …

2.尼克森 Gucci/ 古驰 Nixon/ 尼克松手表 Cartier/ 卡地亚 ...

7.美国总统尼克逊例子:前美国总统尼克逊Nixon)是美国第一位因为犯罪而被迫辞职的总统,他的副总统福特(Ford)写了一本的回忆录《医 …


1.Is, as Mr. Nixon said, our prestige at an all time high, as he said a week ago, and that of the Communist at an all time low?是否如尼克松先生所说,我们的声望正前所未有的高?又如他一星期前所说,而共产主义者的声望正前所未有的低?

2.Nixon, though no doubt nonplussed, continued to keep his thoughts to himself.尼克松对此事无疑感到进退维谷,然而他依然噤若寒蝉。

3.Hammerschmidt had a very conservative voting record and was a strong defender of President Nixon.哈默施密特的投票记录非常保守,他还是尼克松总统强有力的拥护者。但他的举止非常友好、低调。

4.When the Nixon Administration came into office, the prevalent doctrine for conventional forces was the "two-and-one-half-war" strategy.在尼克松政府就任时,关于常规部队的流行的理论是“两个半战争”战略。

5.AT FIRST, Richard Nixon vowed he would not debate John Kennedy. He had pttle to gain from such an encounter, and much to lose.开始的时候,理查德·尼克松说他不会和约翰逊·肯尼迪辩论,因为在这交易里他能赢的很少,却可能输很多。

6.NARRATOR: Nixon decided he hadn't gone far enough, so he took his top economic advisors off to Camp David for a working weekend.旁白:尼克松认为自己走得还不够远,于是他在一个周末带上自己的顶级经济顾问们到戴维营开会。

7.Nison not smoothly, with her to TiaoMing, but she frankly, she will notify nixon yulan the same competition and timing.日升并不习气,想与她挑明,但她直白地通知日升,她要和玉兰同样的竞争时机。

8.On graduation he worked in the Nixon administration, setting out his philosophy in a 1973 memo: "I take a hard-nosed critical approach. "毕业后,他为尼克松政府工作,在1973年的备忘录上描述了自己的价值观:“我凡事讲求分析和质疑。”

9.Nixon wanted to bring Haig in as chief of staff, she told me, for a week or two.她告诉我说尼克松想让黑格担任一、两个星期的办公厅主任。

10.Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency and said he is 'optimistic that there are still pves out there to be saved. '密苏里州长尼克森(JayNixon)宣布进入紧急状态,并说他“相信仍有人等着被营救”。