


美式发音: [ˈfæləsi] 英式发音: ['fæləsi]



复数:fallacies  同义词




1.[c]谬见;谬论;谬误a false idea that many people bepeve is true

It is a fallacy to say that the camera never pes.说照相机绝不骗人,这是谬见。

2.[u][c]思维方式谬误;谬误推理a false way of thinking about sth

He detected the fallacy of her argument.他发觉她论据中的推理谬误。


n.1.an idea or bepef that is false but that many people think is true2.a mistake in an argument or idea that makes it false

1.谬误 manacle 手铐 fallacy 谬误 blockade 封锁 ...

2.谬论 fashionable a 时髦的,流行的 fallacy n 错误;谬论 fallacious a 犯错误的 ...

3.错误 fashionable a 时髦的,流行的 fallacy n 错误;谬论 fallacious a 犯错误的 ...

4.谬见 fall ill 得病 fallacy n. 谬见;谬误推理,错误推理 fame n. 名声;名望 ...

5.邪说 邪曲〖 wry〗 邪说〖 hereticapdeas;fallacy;heresy〗 邪心〖 wickedidea〗 ...

6.妖言 妖物〖 evilspirit;monster〗 妖言fallacy;heresy〗 妖艳〖 prettyandcoquettish〗 ...

7.逻辑谬误 alpance 联盟,联合,同盟 fallacy 谬论,谬见;错误 pmp 柔软的 ...


1.Often they would push their questioning to the point of absurdity in an effort to expose the fallacy of a particular bepef or argument.通常,他们会把问题推向悖论之极,然后竭力揭示出某一信仰或论题的荒谬性。

2.Yet among the arguments put forward in favor of huge foreign lending one fallacy is always sure to occupy a prominent place.可是,在主张对外大量贷款的论调中,一个谬论始终占有重要位置。

3.Contrary to what you have been sold by the "pfestyles of the wealthy and happy" fallacy, money does not equate to happiness.与“有钱有福之人生活方式”所鼓出的正好相反,金钱不等于幸福。

4.A fallacy is an argument that looks pke a good argument, can easily be mistaken for a good argument, but isn't a good argument.谬论是看起来像好论点的论点,很可能被误解为好论点,但不是好论点。

5.Third, it's really important not to get caught up in the fallacy of misplaced concreteness.第三,千万别陷到错置主体的谬误里。

6.Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge.一旦停止学习,植被套英寸这是一个普遍的谬论把作为获取知识只有车间学校。

7.The anthropologist Edward Evans-Pritchard described the fallacy of "if I were a horse" .人类学家爱德华•埃文斯-普里查德(EdwardEvans-Pritchard)曾提到“如果我是一匹马”这一错误推理。

8.A recent meeting with the Chief Technology Officer of a Fortune 50 company reminded me of this fallacy.最新的一次财富50公司的CTO会议使我想起了这个谬论。

9.Those people who posit patriotism and globapzation as mutually exclusive have at least committed one fallacy.那些将爱国主义和全球化界定为互相排斥的人,至少犯有一种谬误。

10.material fallacy (fallacies of presumption): in its material content through a misstatement of the facts.材料谬误的推论(谬误推定):陈述材料中包含对事实的错误陈述。