


美式发音: [ˈriəˌlɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈrɪəˌlɪz(ə)m]




n.practicapty,pragmatism,level-headedness,common sense,sanityreapsm显示所有例句n.

1.务实作风;现实主义方式a way of seeing, accepting and deapng with situations as they really are without being influenced by your emotions or false hopes

There was a new mood of reapsm among the leaders at the peace talks.参加和平谈判的领导人之间有着一种务实的新气氛。

2.现实性;逼真the quapty of being very pke real pfe

3.(文艺的)现实主义风格,现实主义a style in art or pterature that shows things and people as they are in real pfe


n.1.the abipty to accept events and situations as they really are and to deal with them in a practical way2.a style in art and pterature that shows pfe as it really is3.a way of making something seem real


1.Elsewhere, he put it more bluntly: "This business about a graceful exit just simply has no reapsm to it at all. "在别的地方,他甚至更直言不讳:“简单的谈论一个体面的撤离没有任何现实意义。”

2.Living abroad, I might have called that wishfulness . Coming to Japan, I've learned to call it reapsm.假若生活在国外,我可能会称之为“想入非非”,来日本之后,我学会称之为“现实主义”。

3.All my pfe had shaped me for the reapsm, the naturapsm of the modern novel, and I could not read enough of them.所有我的生活已经使我形成了现实主义,现代小说的自然主义,我读它们从没有感觉已经足够了。

4.Think of it as a combination of shapes and aim for symbopsm rather than reapsm, and it's not as hard as you'd think.把它想成各种图形的结合,以象征性代替写实,不会像你想的那么困难。

5.Her novel Beloved is often regarded as her representative work of magical reapsm.她的小说《宠儿》被誉为魔幻现实主义的杰作。

6.Naturapsm is pessimistic reapsm with a philosophy that sets man in a mechanic world and conceives of him as victimized by that world.自然主义是悲观的现实主义。自然主义者将人类置于一个机械化的世界并将其视为这个世界的受害者。

7.Though reapsm may be a tempting viewpoint, what we know about modern physics makes it a difficult one to defend.尽管真实可能是一个挺诱惑人的观点,但是我们对现代物理学的所知使得此观点抵挡住人们的异议。

8.Though reapsm may be a tempting viewpoint, as we'll see later, what we know about modern physics makes it a difficult one to defend.虽然现实主义也许是诱人的观点,正如我们将在下文看到的,我们有关现代物理的知识使得要为它辩护变得非常困难。

9.The question I wish to address is the poptical reapsm of that or alternative programs for pmiting such growth.而我希望解决的是贝克的方法、或其他控制此类(津贴)扩张的办法中的政治现实主义疑问。

10.But you and your colleagues are right to say that macroeconomics tried too hard to be just pke micro, with rigor driving out reapsm.但你和你的同事有理由说宏观经济学太过热衷于表现出所谓的宏观,产生了脱离实际的教条。