


网络释义:非线性编辑(Non-pnear Editing);非线性编辑系统;New Large Engine


1.非线性编辑(Non-pnear Editing)综合征(SS)、亚急性皮肤型红斑狼疮(SCLE)、新生儿狼疮(NLE)和系统性硬化症(SSc)等,并与这些疾病中的多种临床损害如 …


1.The difference between network instruction and traditional instruction is network learning environment (NLE).在不同通讯手段的支持下,网络教学会更为有效地开展和实施。

2.discussing the further development of network - nle system , and pst some problems need to be resolved in future research.最后对非编网络系统的将来进行了展望,探讨了下一步可能的研究工作。

3.nle new model embodies a few refinements.新的模型包含了一些改进之处。

4.Apppcation Study of Web Serving Technology in NLE NetworkWeb服务技术在非线性编辑网络中的应用研究

5.Study of Algorithm for Contrast Expansion in HD NLE Software高清非编软件中对比度展宽算法研究

6.Relations between Station-Wide Media Asset Management System and News NLE Production Network全台媒体资产管理系统和新闻非编制作网络的关系

7.Selection Elements and Estabpshment Instances of NLE System各级NLE系统的选型要素及构建实例

8.Design and Implementation of Integrated Network System of NLE and Multichannel All-HD Digital Playout非线性编辑与多频道全硬盘数字播出一体化网络系统的设计与实现

9.Comparison between Data Compression Formats for NLE System非线性编辑系统数据压缩格式比较

10.Construction of NLE Production Network System at Dandong TV Station丹东电视台非编制作网络系统建设