


美式发音: [ˈflʌdəd] 英式发音: [ˈflʌdɪd]





adv.afloat,awash,under water



adj.1.covered or filled with water as a result of a flood2.an engine that is flooded has too much fuel in it and will not start

v.1.The past participle and past tense of flood

1.淹没 flexitime 弹性上班制 flooded 淹没;充斥;灌溉 floodwaters 洪水 ...

2.水淹过engine有没有翻修 ( rebuilt )或者水淹过 ( flooded );有这三点任何一点的,都不要考虑,虽然有可能你能开很久,但是更大的 …

3.淹水 CATTLE CROSSING 有牛群穿越 FLOODED------ 淹水 PED XING----- 行人穿越 ...

4.洪水浸没的 unpredictable weather 变幻无常的天气 flooded 洪水浸没的 spoipng 扫兴 ...

5.富液 volunteer n. 志愿者, 志愿兵 flooded被水淹没的 clearway:n. 超速道路 ...

7.淹了 ... 永久淹水舱 : permanent flooded tank 道路淹水Flooded 淹水牢度 : color fastness to water ...


1.People began the clean up in the Northeast after nearly a week rain left many areas flooded.东北近一个星期的大雨使许多地区淹水之后,人们开始清理。

2.And then her sorrow widened, pke the bow of a dreadnought and the weight of her sinking flooded my ears.这时她的悲哀扩展了,像一艘无畏战舰的舰首,她沉下去的重量使我的耳朵被水淹没了。

3.If they do not, doctors' surgeries may be flooded with what have come to be known as the worried well, and regulation is sure to follow.如果他们不这样做,医生的的诊室里可能将充斥着将被诊断为恐惧症的病理,而调控也肯定会跟进。

4.His sins flooded up within him and he wept out his repentance, crying "Jesus, I'll even preach for you if you'll save my soul. "他的心里充满了罪恶感。他哭着忏悔,喊道:“耶稣,如果你拯救我的灵魂,我甚至愿意为你布道。”

5.When record-breaking storms flooded the village this past summer, the children happily paddled around on boards as if they were canoes.去年夏天空前的暴雨淹没村寨时,孩子们把木板当做独木舟来嬉戏。

6.Tears of joy flooded her eyes and her happy heart was really touched.她感到万分感动,双眼流溢着喜悦的泪。

7.Among the problems was the fact that crucial electrical switching equipment was in a basement, and therefore got flooded.在这些问题中,还有一个情况就是重要的电气开关设备都在地下室内,由此一来遭到了水淹。

8.Levees have changed that. Until Katrina, the Mississippi had not flooded in or around the city in almost 80 years.将近80年里密西西比河附近的城市都没有发生过水灾,但卡特里娜过后堤坝已经发生了变化。

9.Their caravan of Land Rovers had been delayed trying to ford a flooded river, her husband had told her.那天早上,利特尔告诉她,在尝试越过被淹没的河流时,他们的路虎大篷车耽搁了。

10.Most of New Orleans is flooded with no electricity or drinking water, and its Mayor, Ray Nagin, ordered the total evacuation of the city.新奥尔良大部分地区遭洪灾,没电没水,其市长里根睿下令全市撤离。