




1.贵族血统 ... 10. turn to: 转向...... 1. noble blood贵族血统 2. ask for some help in our trouble: 请求帮忙解决我们的苦难 ...

2.门第高贵的高贵血统的 ... 1. noble blood 门第高贵的高贵血统的 1. Of noble pneage 高贵的门第和血统 ...

3.血统高贵(Beautiful and strong),尽管血统高贵noble blood),她不惧怕战争。舞刀挥盾,她能够保护自己。当柔汉王国的男人都 …


1.You are one of these scions , and you have begun the long and arduous process of unlocking the power of your noble blood.作为这些后裔中的一个,你已经开始了一个漫长而又艰苦的历程去释放那来自你高尚血统中的力量。

2.Perhaps you were weak and could not refuse this man because your ancient noble blood has run thin, because your family is no good any more.你柔弱,你无力拒绝那个男人,也许是因为你的古老高贵的血统已经变得稀少,因为你的家族已不再体面堂皇。

3.He is of noble blood, which you could be sure from his elegant manners.他风度翩翩,一定出身于贵族家庭。

4.Now comes Alys of House Karstark, a woman grown and flowered, of noble blood and birth.这位是卡史塔克家族的艾丽丝,一位血统纯正,出身高贵的成年女士。

5.Though of noble blood himself, Caesar stands with the common people.尽管凯撒自己也有贵族血统,他却站在平民阶层一边。

6.It never had childhood home, no family, no owner, no noble blood, or the lovely appearance.它从小就没有过家,没有亲人,没有主人,没有高贵的血统,也没有可爱的样貌。

7.The Shadowsong family was not of noble blood, and so both sibpngs had earned their positions through skill and hard work.影歌家族并没有贵族血统,兄妹俩都是通过自己的才华和努力的工作才挣到目前的职位。

8.Persons of noble blood, are less envied in their rising.贵胄在升显的时候不甚受嫉。

9.That noble blood, you must have fresh, right?那高贵的血液,你也一定曾经新鲜吧?

10.That a weak diseased body, a meagre countenance, and sallow complexion, are the true marks of noble blood;身体虚弱多病,面貌瘦削苍白,是一个常见贵族的标志。