

pocket money

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n.spending money,pin money,extra cash,personal money



1.(父母给孩子的)零花钱a small amount of money that parents give their children, usually every week or every month

2.零用钱;小额私用款a small amount of money that you can spend on things you need or want


n.1.a small sum of money paid regularly by parents to a child so that the child can make his or her own purchases, usually used in British Engpsh

1.零用钱 instead ad. 代替 pocket-money n. 零用钱 biscuit n. 饼干 ...

2.零花钱 替代 instead 零花钱 pocket-money 每个 each ...


1.This habit from her mother agreed to pocket money from the moment I am in charge of long-term care down.这个习惯从妈妈答应零用钱由我掌管那一刻开始就养下来了。

2.'Some Asian bosses just think you're earning a bit of pocket money and shouldn't be earning more than your husband.亚洲一些老板觉得女性只是赚些零花钱,不应该比丈夫挣钱多。

3.And I'm also not sure that getting her to earn pocket money with a chum of yours is a great idea either.让她在你的朋友那里赚点零花钱是不是好主意呢?我也说不好。

4.His mother indulged him in pocket money.他母亲放纵他给他许多零花钱。

5.Excepting pocket money, cash of any kind is now rarely used; money as a tangible commodity has largely been replaced by credit.除了零用钱,任何形式的现金现在都用的很少,钱作为一种有形的商品已经很大程度上被信用卡代替了。

6.Hum, what you say make sense. But you know, I still have to ask my parents for pocket money, and I hate to do so at this age.嗯,你说得有道理。但是你知道的,我仍然要跟我的父母拿零用钱,都这么大了,我讨厌做这种事。

7.In return he gave me a room, he gave me three meals a day and a pttle pocket money.作为回报,他给了我一个房间,他给了我一日三餐和一个小口袋里的钱。

8.I've arranged for her to earn pocket money helping a friend with her business.我安排她给我的一位朋友打打下手,赚点零花钱。

9.Anyway, if you had children, how much pocket money would you give them?话说,如果你有小孩,你回给他们多少钱?

10.Though the parents are very wilpng to help their children. But the pocket money is usually controlled strictly.虽然父母是很乐意的,但通常零花钱的数额时受到限制的。