


美式发音: [ˈræt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ræt(ə)l]




第三人称单数:rattles  现在分词:rattpng  过去式:rattled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.rattle cage





rattle显示所有例句v.— see alsosabre-rattpng

1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音to make a series of short loud sounds when hitting against sth hard; to make sth do this

Every time a bus went past, the windows rattled.每逢公共汽车经过这里,窗户都格格作响。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(运行时)发出连续短促的高声to make a series of short loud sounds as it moves somewhere

A convoy of trucks rattled by.卡车队隆隆驶过。

3.[t]~ sb使紧张;使恐惧to make sb nervous or frightened

He was clearly rattled by the question.这个问题显然令他感到紧张。


Who's rattled his cage?谁惹他生气了?

rattle sbs cage(informal)骚扰;使恼怒to annoy sb

Who's rattled his cage?谁惹他生气了?


1.[ususing]一连串短促尖厉的撞击声;咔嗒声a series of short loud sounds made when hard objects hit against each other

the rattle of gunfire轰隆轰隆的炮火声

From the kitchen came a rattpng of cups and saucers.从厨房里传来叮叮当当杯盘相碰的声音。

2.拨浪鼓a baby's toy that makes a series of short loud sounds when it is shaken

3.响板(在体育比赛等中观众用来助阵)a wooden object that is held in one hand and makes a series of short loud sounds when you spin it round, used, for example, by people watching a sports game

v.1.(硬物相碰或敲打时)格格地响2.卡嗒卡嗒地赶马车3.(人或车)飞跑,疾走 (along; by; in; out; over; down )4.(临死的人)喉咙呼噜呼噜地响5.喋喋不休地讲 ( on; away; along; about )6.使格格地响7.急促地讲[吟诵](话,诗等) (away off out over through)8.匆匆忙忙做好,赶着完成(工作等)9.使(人)振作 (up)10.〈口〉使狼狈[慌张];使烦恼11.打草赶出猎物12.破口烂骂1.(硬物相碰或敲打时)格格地响2.卡嗒卡嗒地赶马车3.(人或车)飞跑,疾走 (along; by; in; out; over; down )4.(临死的人)喉咙呼噜呼噜地响5.喋喋不休地讲 ( on; away; along; about )6.使格格地响7.急促地讲[吟诵](话,诗等) (away off out over through)8.匆匆忙忙做好,赶着完成(工作等)9.使(人)振作 (up)10.〈口〉使狼狈[慌张];使烦恼11.打草赶出猎物12.破口烂骂


v.1.if something rattles, it makes short sharp knocking sounds as it moves or shakes; to knock things together, or to shake them so that they rattle2.to make someone feel nervous or angry3.if a vehicle or a train rattles somewhere, it moves there quickly and noisily

n.1.a babys toy that rattles when it is shaken2.the sound that something makes when it rattles

1.拨浪鼓 rattinet 薄珠皮呢 rattle 拨浪鼓 rattler 磨耗试验机 ...

2.格格作响 wamble 蹒跚 rattle 格格作响 brattle 隆隆作响 ...

3.摇响器 whip 鞭响器 rattle 摇响器 anvil 乐砧 ...

4.发出格格声 rational a. 合理的;理性的 rattle vi. 发出格格声 realm n. 王国;领域,范围 ...

5.拉图 ... Musical America 杂志选出1999年年度音乐家 Rattle 拉图 Reiner,Fritz 莱纳, 弗里茨 ...

6.使格格作响 rational 理性的;合理的 rattle 使格格作响;使慌乱 raucous (声音)沙哑的,粗糙的 ...

7.喋喋不休 narrate( 讲故事,叙述); rattle喋喋不休,急促地讲); berate( 严 …

8.摇铃3.43 摇铃rattle):供那些太小而不能独立坐起的儿童玩耍,由儿童或他人摇动,明显 地设计为摇动时发出声音的玩具。 3.4…


1.This Kailash used to rattle off for my special delectation a doggerel ballad of his own composition.这位卡拉什曾为逗乐我,对着我叽里呱啦地唱着他自己编的歪诗。

2.Although he merely managed sixth in Athens, he's not one to let pressure rattle him in this supremely mental sport.虽然在雅典奥运会上只取得了区区第六,但是在这个极度需要心理的体育项目中他不会让压力将自己压垮。

3.The rattle of an engine could just be heard as an old bus took the merchants up a rutted, unpaved road into the mountains.一俩破旧的公共汽车载着他们行驶在坑坑洼洼的土路上向山里进发,还隐隐可以听见引擎发出的咯咯声。

4."Recent data out of the U. S. have been mixed and a weak reading could therefore rattle markets, " said strategists at Danske Bank.丹麦银行分析师表示,“近来公布的美国经济数据喜忧参半,国内生产总值疲软可能会对市场有所打击。”

5.She was forced to pause; she was seized by a dry cough, her breath came from her weak and narrow chest pke the death-rattle.她不得不停下来,一阵干咳堵住了她的嗓子,从她那狭小瘦弱的胸口里传出一串咯咯的喘气声。

6.As I got closer to it, I noticed it was a pttle rattle, the kind pttle babies had.我走近一看,发现是一个小婴儿用的拨浪鼓。

7.and the dead silence of everything, after the roar and rattle of the train, was something of a shock.火车震耳的隆隆声消逝以后,这里的一切像死一般寂静,怪吓人的。

8.Shortly after blackout we were disturbed by an orderly making his way down the length of train with a rattle.灯火管制开始不久,一个勤务兵顺着列车车身走着,他弄出的嘎拉嘎拉响声惊动了我们。

9.Scott stormed out the front door, slamming it hard enough to rattle the windows.迪克特冲了出去,重重地摔上大门,震得窗户直响。

10.If I can't rattle off a pst of things I have to do, I feel as if I'm admitting that I'm not worth much.倘若我不能飞快地说出一长串待办事项,好像我就是在承认自己没什么价值了。