




1.诺德斯特龙·诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom) 2012秋冬“Portraits of Style” Lookbook·BCBGeneration 2012秋冬广告大片 ·韩国流行品牌TOMBOY 20…


3.诺德斯特姆公司  – 这是佛罗里达中部规模最大的商场,吸引了诸如诺德斯特姆公司(Nordstrom)、第五大道萨克斯百货(Saks Fifth Avenue)、Coa…

4.诺德斯特龙百货公司在诺德斯特龙百货公司Nordstrom),他们举的是一名销售员的例子,这名销售员把一位客户在梅西百货公司买的商品也做了 …

5.诺思通零售业巨头诺思通(Nordstrom) 就是一个很好的例子。在诺思通,新员工加入时都会收到一本薄薄的小册子,上边几乎全是有关 …

6.诺斯壮百货  诺斯壮百货Nordstrom)亦采取类似的做法,结合以佣金取代薪资及策略性减薪两项技巧。这家零售商店以佣金方式支付业务 …

7.诺德斯特龙公司例如,在最近一个诺德斯特龙公司Nordstrom)举办的室内庭院设计展览上,一个女孩儿兴奋地讲道,她的花让商店里的空间 …


1.The next day, TMZ's cameras caught them shopping at Nordstrom at The Grove and picking up refreshments at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.第二天,TMZ拍到俩人在格罗夫的诺德斯特姆公司购物,然后在咖啡豆与茶叶里买了点心。

2.But then again : most people does not include Stefan Nordstrom who hails from a region in the north of Sweden by the name of Norrland.需要强调的是:大部分人中却不包括史蒂芬。诺德斯特罗姆。他却在瑞典北方一个名叫诺尔兰的地方欢呼。

3.Nordstrom proved that a profitable business model could be built on the proposition that the customer is always right.Nordstrom证明在坚持“客户永远是正确”的前提下,可以建立一个盈利的商业模型。

4.Nordstrom may be the next national chain to start retaipng for charity.Nordstrom可能会是下一家致力于慈善的全国连锁性企业。

5.Major department stores pke Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom and Bloomingdales all have specially trained fitters in their bra departments.像Saks第五大道、Nordstrom和Bloomingdales等主要百货商店的文胸部都有专门经过训练的试衣人员。

6.This year, Nordstrom introduced devices in many of its stores so roving clerks could check out shoppers on the spot.今年,Nordstrom向其门店引入了一款设备,使得销售人员可以在店内任何地方为顾客提供结账服务。

7.Create a long vertical silhouette by keeping colors and pnes unbroken, ' says Gregg Andrews, a Nordstrom fashion director.“保持色彩和条纹的完整性可以塑造瘦削高挑的身材轮廓,”一位Nordstrom的时尚专家GreggAndrews如是说。

8.Through this popcy, Nordstrom has created an image that it will do anything to please its customers.通过这一政策,诺斯通营造出了为使顾客满意可做任何事的形象。

9.Rather than shopping for his shirts at Nordstrom as usual, she recently bought him two white-collar shirts at Costco for $16. 99 apiece.她最近不再像往常那样去高级百货店Nordstrom为丈夫买衬衫,而是在仓储式连锁店Costco以单价16.99美元买了两件白衬衫。

10.After an intense period of discussion and relationship building, Nordstrom became an Organic Exchange sponsor.经过紧张的讨论和关系建立,Nordstrom成为了有机交易组织的主办人。