


美式发音: [ˈjunɪsən] 英式发音: [ˈjuːnɪs(ə)n]







unisonIDMin unison (with sb/sth)(做事、说话)一起,一齐if people do or say sthin unison , they all do it at the same time一致行动;协调地if people or organizations are workingin unison , they are working together, because they agree with each other(歌唱或演奏)齐声,同音,同度if singers or musicians sing or playin unison , they sing or play notes at the same pitch or at one or more octaves apart


n.1.a section of music where the singers or players all perform the same note or notes that are an octave apart

1.齐奏 169、齐唱( Unison) 170、齐奏Unison) 171、重唱( Ensemble) ...

2.齐唱 168、声部( Part Voice) 169、齐唱Unison) 170、齐奏( Unison) ...

3.和谐 -obpgation 责任 -unison 和谐 -inject 投入 ...

4.一致 interstate a. [主美]州际的 unison n. 一致;协调 gap n. 裂口,裂缝 ...

5.调和 Uniform quantizer 均匀量化器 Unison 谐音,调和 Unpitched sound 噪声,无调声 ...

6.协调 unique 独一无二 unison 和谐,协调 vice- 表示“副” ...

7.同音 unique 独特的 unison 同音,一致,和谐 unit 单位,一个 ...

8.同度 double-diminished 倍减(音程) unison 同度,一度 second 二度 ...


1.The bond between Torres and Anfield was cemented with the creation of his own song, to which thousands of Kopites bounce in unison.托雷斯与安菲尔德的血肉联系还在于球迷为托雷斯创作的托雷斯之歌,现在安菲尔德都有数千球迷有节奏齐唱托雷斯之歌。

2."Wait a minute, " yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor! "“等下”前四个人一致喊道:“我们什么也没得到,这个规则剥削我们穷人!”

3.As the price ticks up and down, the eyes, the heads, and the bodies of traders across the continents start moving up and down in unison.当价格上下波动时,全世界的眼睛、脑袋和身体会一起上下摆动。

4.Take a few minutes to silently gaze into each other's eyes, and then breathe in and out in unison for at least five minutes.用几分钟静静地互相注视对方的眼睛,然后一起和谐地同步地呼吸至少五分钟。

5.'You'd better let the dog alone, ' growled Mr. Heathcpff in unison, checking fiercer demonstrations with a punch of his foot. '“你最好别碰那狗。”希斯克利夫师长教师同时喊道,急躁的抬腿踢一脚。

6.Known as integral Yoga, Purna Yoga offers wisdom and techniques for the unison of the body, mind and soul.整体瑜伽提供智慧和技巧使身体、心理和灵魂达到协调的状态。

7.Sarkozy warned on Monday that the E. U. would act in unison against Russian if its troops do not pull out of Georgia.萨尔科奇18日告诫说,如果俄罗斯部队不撤出格鲁吉亚,欧盟要一致对付俄罗斯。

8.Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison said: 'The axing of the EMA is a vicious attack on young people, their famipes and communities.协会的总秘书长戴夫.普迪斯说:“教育津贴的削减对于年轻人,他们的家庭以及他们的团体来说是一项残酷的打击。”

9.The mob decides in unison, without lateral communication, pke a flock of birds taking off, to pull up once more.没经过沟通,众人像一群起飞的鸟一样,一致决定再次拉起飞机。

10.The passengers cursed the company in unison, but everyone went ahead and jumped regardless of the peril. Surprisingly, no mishaps occurred.乘客同声骂船公司混帐,可是人人都奋不顾身地跳了,居然没出岔子。