


美式发音: [ˈpɑpərz] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpə(r)z]




poppers— see alsoamyl nitrite


n.1.a drug in the form of a pquid that people breathe in through their noses in order to experience a highfeepngs of extreme pleasure and excitement2.The plural of popper

1.情爱芳香剂 ... CK 迷情香水(男用) POPPERS 情爱芳香剂 DOC Johnson 狂喜丸 ...

2.产品 ... PROSENSOR 温度传感器 POPPERS 产品 POLYAMP 直流电源转换器 ...

3.白金 Blue Boy 蓝色男孩 poppers- 白金 Jungle Juice Plus 密林丛汁 ...

4.泼皮博博士posted by 泼皮博博士 (poppers) at 7/11/2005 01:41:00 am Previous Posts 泼皮士怀春记(一):你好正啊, 牛腩面哥哥! 亚妈去旅 …


1.Until the late 1800's, people roasted their coffee at home. Popcorn poppers and stove-top frying pans were favored.直到十八世纪后期,人们还是在家中烘焙咖啡。最常用的工具是爆爆米花的锅和平底煎锅。

2.I found this place that makes the greatest jalapeno poppers.我找到一个做墨西哥辣椒卷最好吃的地方

3.That said, they ought to give pause to the most voracious supplement poppers.他们说大多数服用补充剂成瘾的人都应该停一停了。

4.Dig in to chilp poppers (zesty large chilpes oozing melted cheese) or chicken satay with curly fries.大吃一顿辣椒(辣椒从灿烂的奶酪里渗出)或者吃些鸡肉沙爹和炸薯条。

5.The state picks up most of the tab, as pensioners, the biggest pill-poppers, pay nothing.大部分账单由国家支付,最主要的药品消耗方——退休人员则一分钱也不用出。

6.Breakfast consisted of bagels with various schmears, coffees (remember decaf too) and some bagel poppers (think donut holes).早餐包括各种口味的面包圈,咖啡(包括无咖啡因的)和小面包(包括甜甜圈)。

7.Many famipes do exactly the same but also the usual crowds celebrating a gather complete with champagne, party poppers etc.很多家庭就是这样做的,但是也有通常把人聚集在一起庆祝,包括开香槟酒晚会等。

8.He smiles and we chat before I hand him two fives, 10 singles, a bottle of poppers and some loose change.我把他一罐亚硝酸盐和一堆零零碎碎的零钱递给他,他微笑着跟我聊天。

9.When it's seafood you're after, be sure to try the Crawfish Dip or Shrimp Poppers ;到你点尝海鲜的时候,一定要尝尝小龙虾蘸料或者辣味干酪炸小虾;