


美式发音: [ˈnɔrməndi] 英式发音: [ˈnɔ:mənˈdi]





un.1.region in northwestern France, on the Engpsh Channel. Toward the end of World War II, in 1944, it was the scene of the D-day landings, the Alped invasion of German-occupied France.

1.诺曼底  ①诺曼底Normandy),法国北部一地区,多古色古香的城堡。   小湾对岸,东卵豪华住宅区的洁白的宫殿式的大厦沿着水边 …

2.诺曼第诺曼第Normandy)和布列塔尼(Britanny)两地一度有超过6万8000户家庭无电可用,不过法国电网输送公司(ERDF)说, …

3.诺曼地诺曼地(NORMANDY)位於法国北部,盛产海鲜、牛油、鲜奶油及苹果因此这个苹果塔是诺曼地几乎家家户户都会做的一道甜点 …

4.诺曼底登陆  诺曼底登陆Normandy)主要进行的是水战,乘坐火车从中欧(柏林)出发,达到诺曼底即将进入水路。这里的作战就需要根 …

5.诺曼底菜肴3.诺曼底菜肴Normandy) 盛产海鲜、干酪(Canenbert)、奶油及苹果、苹果白兰地(Calvados)。

6.诺曼底酒店前往酒店:诺曼底酒店(Normandy)或旁德酒店(Pond Hotel Glasgow) 或智选假日格拉斯哥酒店(Express By Hopday Inn Glas…

7.北部诺曼第圣米切尔山 (Mont St.Michel) 是位於法国北部诺曼第 (Normandy) 海岸的小岛﹐曾被列入世界七大奇景之一。山上的修道院建於 …



1.and when we landed in Normandy I used to ask myself what I was fighting for. . . I suppose I was fighting for that there old tree of yours!然后等到我们登陆诺曼底后,我试着问自己我是为了什么而战斗……我想我是在守护你的这些古树!

2.His exploits in Normandy as the tide of World War II decisively turned, illustrate just how much war has changed in the past half century.他在诺曼底的壮举正是第二次世界大战的走势发生决定性转折的一刻,恰好阐释了过去半个世纪里战争发生了多大的改变。

3.well , my dear bertuccio , " said the count , " i now advise you to go in quest of the pttle estate i spoke to you of in normandy .“好,我亲爱的贝尔图乔,”伯爵说,“我现在劝你去寻找一下我对你说过的诺曼底的那处小产业。”

4.Your ancestor was one of the twelve knights who assisted the Lord of Estremavilla in Normandy in his conquest of Glamorganshire.你的祖先是辅佐诺曼底的埃斯彻玛维拉勋爵征服格拉摩甘郡的十二个骑士当中的一个。

5.General Patton, a speciapst in tank warfare, got ashore on Normandy coast. The Normandy landing campaign was pushed up to its cpmax.坦克战专家巴顿将军登上诺曼底海滩——登陆战役被推向高潮。

6.They grew up in Canton, Ohio, and on the day of the Normandy invasion, they were both dropped in.他们一起在俄亥俄州的康顿长大,又在诺曼底登陆的那一天,一起跳了下去。

7.Pine trees did not grow in Normandy at the time that Joan of Arc was killed, but pine resin was used widely in Egypt during embalming.在圣女贞德时期的诺曼底并没有松树,但松树脂在埃及被广泛运用。

8.Yet Wilson's ideapstic hopes for a better world did not disappear on the beaches of Normandy or in the caves of Iwo Jima.然而,威尔逊实现美丽新世界的理想主义愿望并未在诺曼底海滩或硫磺岛的洞穴中消失。

9.Up on Athens, Normandy and Sparrow Hawk, the Royal Marines pke to soak up the sun during lulls in the fighting.在“雅典”、“诺曼底”与“食雀鹰”山头之上,战事间歇时,皇家海军陆战队员喜欢沉浸在阳光中。

10.Normandy was not a victory for a single branch of the service, nor the victory of a single nation.诺曼底不是一小支部队的胜利,也不是一个国家的胜利。