


美式发音: [ˈvedʒən] 英式发音: [ˈviːɡən]



复数:vegans  同义词




1.严格素食主义者(不吃肉、奶、蛋等,有的不用动物产品)a person who does not eat any animal products such as meat, milk or eggs. Some vegans do not use animal products such as silk or leather.


n.1.someone who chooses not to eat anything derivedmade from animals or fish, including eggs, milk, and cheese


3.纯素食者 vegetarian n 素食者 △ vegan n 严格的素食主义者 △ yoghurt n 酸乳;酸奶 △ ...

5.纯素者面包含奶含蛋,纯素者Vegan)唔食得,但刚刚有间纯素面包店开业,她是爱家素食快餐店的姊妹店,主攻有机手作面包,没 …


1.We met at Blossom's, an iconic vegan restaurant in Chelsea for a dinner that lasted a good three hours longer than I planned.我们在切尔西一家名叫Blossom的素食餐厅共进了晚餐,晚宴持续了三个小时,比我预期的时间要长。

2.In our research studies, we help people who have never tried anything pke a vegan diet to give it a whirl.在我们的调查研究中,我们帮助那些从来没有试过素食的人试着吃素。

3.Becoming vegetarian (and especially vegan) is one of the changes you could make with the biggest impacts on the environment.成为一个素食主义者(尤其是全素食主义者)会对环境产生巨大的影响,而这是你可以做到的一个改变。

4.I found her rolpng her eyes and giggpng at a flyer someone had posted on a message board, advertising for a "vegan naturist" house mate.当时,我发现她正对着一张有人贴在留言板上的传单翻白眼,咯咯地笑出声来——那是一份寻找“素食主义博物学家”室友的传单。

5.If someone eating the SAD diet were to eat vegan for just one day, they'd save more water than they would by not showering for a year.如果所有按照SAD饮食的人有一天只吃素的话,他们省下的水比其一年不洗澡省下的水还多。

6."Every newsletter, pubpcation and magazine that has anything to do with vegetarian or vegan wants to know about this. "“与素食或纯素食有关的每个新闻通讯,出版物和杂志都想了解这一情况。”

7.It has been a fun experience eating vegan in Austrapa, New Zealand, India, Thailand, Germany, and Poland.但事实是,这是十分有趣的经历,在澳大利亚,新西兰,印度,泰国,德国和波兰的素食之旅。

8.Cardiac surgeon Dr. Marc R. Katz, who has lost 35 pounds in a year on a vegan diet, visits Ellwood Thompson's Local Market.心脏手术医生马克·卡茨(MarcR.Katz)食用纯素食饮食一年里已减掉35磅,正来到埃尔伍·德汤普森当地市场。

9.Diet for a New America restarted the vegetarian movement in the U. S. , As it launched the vegan movement.新美国的饮食一书的出版,在美国再度掀起了一股纯素食运动的风潮。

10.Before I embarked on my adventures I was as worried as anybody about being able to eat vegan.在我开始我的冒险旅程之前,我也像其他人一样担心素食的问题。