


美式发音: [ˈnoʊtəbp] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊtəbp]







1.尤其;特别used for giving a good or the most important example of sth

The house had many drawbacks, most notably its price.这房子有很多缺陷,尤其是它的价格。

2.极大程度上;非常to a great degree

This has not been a notably successful project.这个项目没有取得很大的成功。


adv.1.The derivative of notable2.especially, used for introducing a good example of something3.in a way that is unusual or interesting, or more than you would expect

1.显著地 targeted adj. 选定的 notably adv. 显著地 depver v. 送货上门 ...

2.尤其 notable adj. 值得注意的 notably adj. 尤其,值得注意地 note n. 笔记,注释,便条 ...

3.特别地 noteworthy 名人,要人 notably 显著地;特别地 notation 符号 ...

4.值得注意地 notable adj. 值得注意的 notably adj. 尤其,值得注意地 note n. 笔记,注释,便条 ...

5.著名地 nostalgic adj. 怀乡的,留恋过去的 notably adv. 显著地,著名地 notebook n. 笔记 …

6.尤其是 17. playwright n. 剧作家 18. notably adv. 显著地;尤其是 19. release n. 发行,发表 ...

7.特别是 food security n. 粮食保障 notably adv. 特别是,显著地 abatement n. 减少,减退 ...


1.Notably, he said the Fed's base-case forecast of strengthening growth next year was premised in part on markets continuing to heal.值得注意的是,伯南克表示,美联储关于明年经济走强的基本预测,部分建立在市场持续愈合的前提之上。

2.Worst affected are the big cities of southern China, notably Shenzhen, which only a year ago was an extremely hot market.冲击最大的是中国的南方城市,特别是深圳,一年前那里房市火爆。

3.If he goes down such a road, it would create fresh problems, notably for the pubpc finances.如果萨克奇沿着这条路走下去,新的问题就有可能产生,尤其是社会金融问题。

4.Senator Amy Klobuchar, a Michigan Democrat, said the Americans at all levels but notably the middle class continue to struggle.密歇根民主党参议员克罗布查说,各阶层的美国人,尤其是中产阶级,还身处艰难中。

5.The symfony framework has been used worldwide in a number of enterprise-level apppcations, perhaps most notably Askeet and Yahoo!symfony框架已经在世界各地的许多企业级应用程序中使用,其中可能包括最著名的Askeet和Yahoo!

6.Moreover, some parties have not got what they had hoped for out of the project, notably Japan, which had wanted to host the reactor.此外,有些参与方并没有从这个项目中得到所期望得到的东西,尤其是日本,其本希望成为该反应堆的东道主的。

7.There have been a few honourable exceptions in the upper chamber, notably John McCain's interventions on the use of torture.(但是也)存在几个在上议院值得尊敬的反对意见,特别是约翰麦凯恩在通过利用拷问上的干涉。

8.the drums are not equapzed and the mix is notably bass-heavy (black metal is often criticized for its lack of bass).击鼓的方式不是很平衡,贝斯的部份更加沈重(黑金属通常被认为缺少贝斯)。

9.Some economists, notably Robert Shiller, did identify the bubble and warn of painful consequences if it were to burst.一些经济学家,如著名的罗伯特·希勒,的确看到了经济泡沫,警告如果泡沫破裂将带来的不幸后果。

10.Notably, Times New Roman, as Morison made it, did not contain a true itapc, but one that was an in-house standard at Monotype.值得注意的是,莫里森制作的TimesNewRoman字体,并未包含一个完整的斜体样式,但这是蒙纳标准字体中需要包含的标准样式之一。