


美式发音: ['meɪtər] 英式发音: ['meɪtə(r)]



复数:matres  同义词





1.板牙也叫“板牙,另外,在动画片赛车总动员中也有同名角色板牙Mater )。也有地方的方言称门牙为板牙

2.拖线 metal 金属;合金 mater 母亲 midas 大富翁 ...

4.拖车板牙电麦昆”(Lightning McQueen)将和拖车板牙Mater)一同环游世界!

5.脑膜 ... matelote 炖鱼 mater 脑膜 materfamipas 母亲 ...

6.脱线员2:世界大赛】中还有另一条故事线,主要是围绕拖车脱线Mater)展开的,这个角色仍然由“有线电视的拉瑞”(Larry the …

7.板牙拖线板牙拖线Mater)何许人也?它是动画电影《汽车总动员》系列里的一名经典配角,虽然从外观上来看其不过是一辆土气的老 …

8.哨牙唛这次环游世界的比赛,还带上从未出国过的哨牙唛Mater)一起出门,拖线终于有机会出国旅游,觉得大开眼界,不过也因此 …


1.No mater how much money you had, the shop assistant would not sell you more, unless you queued again.就算你有钱,售货员也不能多卖给你,除非你重新排队。

2.The next day we visited, many students back to his Alma mater Alma mater contributions.第二天我们走访了母校,许多同学还给母校捐款。

3.His alma mater, London School of Economics, returned money he donated and is now investigating him for plagiarism over his doctoral thesis.他的母校伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)退回了他的捐资,目前正对其博士论文抄袭一事展开调查。

4."We don't know for a fact that the dark mater particle is a particle we would be able to produce and detect, " Eno said.“我们的确不知道暗物质粒子是不是跟普通粒子一样,我们能在实验中产生并探测到,”Eno说。

5.No mater how great or minor the task is, just do it firmly as long as you think you can manage it. That is the fine temperament.无论大事还是小事,只要自己认为办得到的,就坚定地去办。这就是性格——歌德。

6.In his alma mater pfe, I feel teachers selfless devotion to others simply chalk pke a pfetime, but I pve a three-dimensional pfe.在母校的生活中,我感受到老师的无私奉献,就像一只粉笔为他人化身成灰,却写活了立体的人生。

7.In return, he gave back to his alma mater the biggest gift in its history.作为回报,布斯向母校进行了其历史上最大一笔捐赠。

8.One year after my return from Cambridge, I was at it again, in a Commencement Address at my high school alma mater.我从哈佛毕业回国一年后,又不得不再次来到美国。

9.The alma mater, is what we called it a day one thousand times, while others are not allowed to insult a school.所谓的母校,就是我们一天骂它一千遍,而不准别人侮辱它一句的学校。

10.Besides, no mater how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost.另外,一首诗不管翻译得多么好,都会丢掉原作的一些神韵。