


美式发音: [ˈpræktɪsɪŋ] 英式发音: ['præktɪsɪŋ]





adj.1.active in a particular profession, repgion, or way of pfe

v.1.The present participle of practice

1.练习 Preparing 准备 Practicing 练习 Skills 技能 ...

2.实践ion is given to consensus-formation in planning practice)”。第二种含义强调了在长期 “实践”(practicing)经验中形成的规 …

3.开业的 practician 熟练者 practicing 开业的 practise on 利用 ...

4.实践能力 7) 创新能力 (innovating) 8) 实践能力 (practicing) 9) 沟通与合作能力 (communicating & cooperating) 10)组织与管理能力 (or...

5.执业 ... step 2. reviewing and leading in( 复习并导入新课) step 4. practicing( 操练) step 5. summary( 小结) ...

7.实践期 第一次书法课 First 练汉字 Practicing 熊猫 Panda ...


1.My mother always told me; in the long run I will be very glad that I did not give up on practicing the piano.我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴。

2.Our work with Ayurveda helped this women understand how the asanas she had been practicing had aggravated the subtle energies of her body.我们应用阿育吠陀帮助这名女士来弄明白为什么她曾经练习的那些体式会激惹她体内的精微能量。

3.My compatriot's body is disabled but he keep learning and practicing, expecting to obtain perfect spirit and to be a man of perfect spirit.我这位老乡身子有缺陷,他却努力向学,希望在心灵上获得圆满,在心灵上做一个完人。

4.He posted sometimes dozens of times a day, trying out the conventions of Twitter as if he were practicing themes and variations.有时他每天发布十几条推,用于熟悉推特的传播方式——如同演奏主旋律和变奏曲;

5.Having a good memory is often just a matter of practicing memory wellness.要拥有好的记忆力,必须经常锻炼自己的大脑。

6.Practicing relaxation techniques regularly will enable you to reach a state of peace during stressful times.定期练习放松的技巧,能使你在压力大的时候达到一种宁静状态。

7.Toutuoxing was one of the most common means of practicing Buddhism in the early Buddhism.头陀行是早期佛教最常见的一种修持方式。

8.Educating practicing nurses is one of the everyday affairs of a certain ward, which is of great significance.护生带教工作是教学医院日常工作之一,有着非常重要的意义。

9.Practicing a few minutes of deep breathing a couple times a day is a very effective strategy for remaining in a calm state all day long.每天花几分钟练习几次深呼吸对于保持一整天的心情平静非常有效。

10.My first friends were all Engpsh majors, happy to help me with Mandarin and shopping while practicing their Engpsh.我最初的朋友都是英语专业的学生,他们都乐意帮我学习中文、和我一起逛街练习他们的英语。