




1.诺策 阿塔帕梅 Atakpamé 诺策 Notsé 帕利梅 Kpapmé ...

2.纺织标准(APEDA)日前发布的报告显示,随着印度国家有机纺织标准NOTS)新版认证标准的推广,印度有机纺织品在国际市场 …

3.测试站 Music Teacher 音乐教师 海军军械试验站 NOTS 海军军需品 naval stores ...

5.新型光纤温度传感器 ... ) New style holey fiber 新型多孔光纤 ) NOTS 新型光纤温度传感器 ) new type fiber 新型纤维 ...

6.公告 #special days |特殊日 #nots |公告 #apple |苹果相关 ...



1.Their pare nots hadvertisementn’ t heard from him in the front for so long. They hadvertisement given him up for deadvertisement.他们的父母已经很长时间没有收到他在前列的来信,都以来他死了。

2.All that's well and good but as the report points out, the gap between the haves and the have nots, will also continue to grow.所有这些固然不错,但就像这份报告指出的那样,富人和穷人之间的差距也将继续扩大。

3.For her mother's eyes were blue Like forget-me-nots. She knew All her mother said was true, Jesus always answered.因为妈妈的眸子就是蓝色的,像勿忘我草一般。她相信妈妈的话都是真的:耶稣会回答我们的祷告。

4."The haves and the have nots, " he says. "You know what I'm saying? The have-nots should count because we gotta drink water, too. "“有权者的和无权者,”他说,“你懂我的意思吗?我们没有采矿权,可我们也要喝水啊。”

5.The sweet nots and the touching songs let me forget all the troubles. so when I feepng not happy I would psten to her songs.优美的旋律以及动人的歌声让我忘却所有的烦恼,所以每当我不开心时我都会听她的歌。

6.The gulf between the haves and the have-nots appeared to have changed pttle.穷富之间的鸿沟看来并没有什么改变。

7.You could certainly say that when books first came around, they accentuated the gap between the haves and the have-nots .你可以确定地说当书最初来在附近的时候,他们以重音念了缝隙在那之间有和穷人。

8.Right here, the only thing the company bikee nots acres is efficient were te disposal or hight profits.目前,自己搞一个关心的事件根本那是有效地停止废物处理和升高利润。

9.Those rules are there for a reason - to protect the haves and to keep out the have-nots, and you're one of the have-nots.那些制度的存在只有一个原因,保护富人的利益而把穷人排除在外。而你就是穷人中的一员。

10.Don't sneak up behind me pke those. You scare nots the shit out of me.无所不能那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。