




1.宝开 Plants VS Zombies 植物大战僵尸 Popcap 游戏列表: Alchemy 炼金术士 ...


1.How much input did PopCap have on the game design process?PopCap在游戏设计的投入有多少呢?

2.James Gwertzman, PopCap's vice president for Asia Pacific, said the game has spread through 'distribution of pirated copies. 'PopCap亚太区副总裁格尔兹曼(JamesGwertzman)说,这款游戏是通过盗版流行开来的。

3.Were there any game design choices that came as a direct result of PopCap's suggestions?有没有什么设计创意是直接来自PopCap的建议的呢?

4."In the next five years, there will be major changes to virtually every aspect of our industry sector, " says PopCap's Fiete.PopCap公司的Fiete说:“在今后五年,休闲游戏产业所有方面都将发生巨大的变化。”

5.Even now when PopCap be a giant in the industry, Vechey still refuses the idea of leaping from game development to game pubpshing.即使是现在,宝开游戏公司已然成为业内巨头,维奇仍然拒绝了从游戏开发跳到游戏出版这样的跳跃性理念。

6.The PopCap founders also suggest some ingenuity when it comes to your market.PopCap公司创始人还建议在市场定位时需要独特性。

7.But Mr. Roberts said that PopCap had hoped to find a home with its longtime partner, Electronic Arts.但罗伯茨说,PopCap一直希望能和艺电长期合作。

8.Plants vs. Zombies is your second project with PopCap Games; prior to that you also worked with them on Insaniquarium.植物大战僵尸是你在PopCap做的第二款游戏,你之前还跟他们合作做过疯狂水族馆,在设计过程中有什么不同吗?

9.Yes, it's a PopCap game with zombies, but they're goofy, cartoon zombies so it's all good.它也的确是有僵尸的PopCap游戏,不过它们是呆呆傻傻又卡通的僵尸,所以整体来说还不错。

10.A growing sector for PopCap is mobile, which now makes up 30% of total revenue.而发生增长的部分则是手游,占了总收入的30%。