





5.世冠九巴世冠(Scania)N113系列巴士AMN 35(Volgren车身,原为城巴订单之一,因城巴挞订关系,在车厂滞留多时才被售予九巴,与AMN …

6.斯堪尼亚汽车公司斯堪尼亚汽车公司Scania) 作者:yapijingo 07-8-16沃尔沃 VoLvo (非乘用车) 作者:yapijingo 07-8-16 德国曼集团( MAN) …

7.瑞典斯堪尼亚公司瑞典斯堪尼亚公司Scania)在中国业务情况 2006-2-28 14:18:00NI宣布在中国大陆境内正式实行直销模式 2006-2-14 10:04:0…


1.The simplest way would have been for MAN to buy Scania, as MAN and VW between them already control 88% of Scania's voting stock.本来最简单的方式就是男子汉公司直买下斯堪尼亚公司,因为男子汉和大众公司总共持有斯堪尼亚公司的88%的股份。

2.Scania's strong brand, juicy margins and engine know-how make it one of the most attractive companies in the industry.斯堪尼亚强大的品牌,丰厚的利润以及先进的引擎技术使它成为业界最炙手可热的公司之一。

3.VW, which at the time controlled 34% of Scania's stock, did not support the takeover.当时大众公司持有斯坎尼亚公司34%的股票,但是不愿接管这个公司。

4.The first mover is expected to be Porsche, which now controls Volkswagen, which, in turn, is the largest shareholder in both Scania and MAN.现已控股大众汽车的保时捷,同时它也是斯堪尼和猛狮的最大股东,将成为先行者。

5.These transactions demonstrate that Scania is highly trusted by leading pubpc transport operators.这些交易显示了斯堪尼亚被领先的公共交通运营商高度信任。

6.Analysts at HSBC reckon that a merger of just Scania and MAN would lead to annual savings of about 600m ($900m) a year.汇丰银行的分析家认为将斯堪尼亚和男子汉并入大众,每年可以节省6亿欧元(约合9亿美元)的成本。

7.The companies were rivals in an epic battle in 2006 for control of Scania, a Swedish rival.曼和大众在2006年曾为争夺瑞典的同行斯堪尼亚公司而进行了一番波澜壮阔的较量。

8.Scania has received several large orders for city buses in recent months.斯堪尼亚在近几月中已经收到了好几个城市客车的大订单。

9.Mr Samuelsson's hostile move caused consternation at Scania.萨缪尔森的敌意举动在斯堪尼亚的内部引起了恐慌。

10.ch. In 2006 the two sparred when Mr Samuelsson launched a hostile bid for Scania, a Swedish truck firm.早在2006年这两个人就萨缪尔森针对瑞典卡车公司斯坎尼亚的收购案的反对态度进行过一次交锋。