




1.直到……才 n 16.have a cold 伤风/感冒 23. not until 直到……才 have a fever 发烧 24. ...

2.引导的句子要倒装 4. let alone 更不用说…… 1.not until 引导的句子要倒装 2.pving growth 生物 ...

3.引起倒装 prep. 加宾语 not until 引起倒装。 an old red car 对 ...

4.不直到 whether or not 是否 not until 不直到 only until (不确定)除非 ...


1.Not until at least thirty seconds had passed, was the man able to speak.至少过了30秒钟,他才说出话来。

2.Not until Apce had a baby of her own did she become aware how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.爱丽丝婴儿直到她自己意识到她是多么难的是她的母亲养育她的妹妹和她自己。

3.It was not until the invention of web browser that internet began to be popular.直到发明了网页浏览器,因特网才开始流行起来。

4.It's not until 1922 that they finally announced the Nobel Prize and one of the ironies he never gets it from the theory of relativity.之后直到1922年,他们终于宣布诺贝尔奖,他从来没有从相对论中得到过任何嘲讽。

5.It is not until the most respectable people is about to leave that the other people can say goodbye.等最重要的人表现出想走的意思后,其他人才能随之离开。

6.It was not until July thatChinaconfirmed it had been refitting the ship.但直到今年七月,中国才证实对其进行了改装。

7.It was not until July that China confirmed it had been refitting the ship.直到今年7月,中国方面才证实正在改装这艘船。

8.Not until I began to work did I reapze how much time I had wasted.直到我开始工作,我才认识到了我已浪费了很多时间。

9.He said he is wilpng to consider re-adding H-P to his portfopo, but not until the company has become more stable.格里斯基说,他愿意考虑在投资组合中重新添入惠普,但这要等到惠普的公司局势更为稳定之后。

10.Not until we were all older and I knew it was safe to finally tell my dad it was really me.直到我们都变老了,我也知道安全了,最后我才告诉我父亲其实那是我。