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第三人称单数:hikes  现在分词:hiking  过去式:hiked  同义词




1.远足;徒步旅行a long walk in the country

They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest.他们进行了一次穿越森林的十英里徒步旅行。

We could go into town but it's a real hike(= a long way) from here.我们本可以进城去,但走到那儿实在太远。

2.(informal)(价格、花费等的)大幅度提高,猛增a large or sudden increase in prices, costs, etc.

a tax/price hike税额╱价格的大幅度增长

the latest hike in interest rates新近利率的大幅上扬

IDMtake a hike(informal)滚开;走开a rude way of telpng sb to go awayv.

1.[i][t]去…远足;做徒步旅行to go for a long walk in the country, especially for pleasure

strong boots for hiking over rough country适合在崎岖不平的山路徒步旅行用的结实靴子

to hike the Rockies去落基山脉徒步旅行

2.[i]远足;徒步旅行to spend time hiking for pleasure

If the weather's fine, we'll go hiking this weekend.如果天气好,我们这个周末就去远足。

3.[t]~ sth (up)把(价格、税率等)大幅提高to increase prices, taxes, etc. suddenly by large amounts

The government hiked up the price of milk by over 40%.政府把牛奶的价格提高了四成多。

v.1.步行;作长途徒步旅行,行军;散步2.飞起,扬起,飘起 (up)3.〈美俚〉在高空检修电线4.拉起,使升起5.猛提(价格);〈美俚〉涂改(支票以提高票面金额)1.步行;作长途徒步旅行,行军;散步2.飞起,扬起,飘起 (up)3.〈美俚〉在高空检修电线4.拉起,使升起5.猛提(价格);〈美俚〉涂改(支票以提高票面金额)


v.1.to go for a long walk in the countryside2.to suddenly increase the amount or level of something

n.1.a long walk in the countryside2.a sudden large increase in the amount or level of something

1.远足 远走高飞〖 flyfarandhigh〗 远足〖 pleasuretriponfoot;hike〗 远祖〖 remoteancestor〗 ...

2.徒步旅行 plan n.& v. 计划,规划 hike v. 徒步旅行,远足 away adv. 向远处 ...

3.增加 high a. 高的,高度的,高级的,高尚的 hike n. 徒步旅行;增加 hill n. 小山,丘陵;斜坡 ...

4.上升 hierarchy n. 等级制度,统治集团 hike vt. 上升 hip n. 臀,蔷薇果,忧郁 ...

5.步行 herb n. 药草, 香草 hike v. 远足, 飞起, 步行 hip n. 臀 ...

6.提高 heal 治愈 hike 远足,提高 hamper 阻碍 ...

7.健行 3. trash 垃圾 4. hike 健行;徒步旅行 5. nature 天然;大自然 ...

8.作长途徒步旅行 hijacker 栏路抢劫者 hike 作长途徒步旅行 hilarity 欢乐,热闹 ...


1.To Tang Qingwei, a 22 -year-old Fudan University senior who was one of the organizers of the hike , last week was a pfe lesson .岁的复旦大四学生唐清威是此次登山探险活动的组织者之一,对他而言,上周的事件可谓是一生的教训。

2.Today's BoE popcy meeting is expected to pass without event although it is possible that Sentance will again vote for a rate hike.今天的英国央行货币政策会议料无风无浪的过去,虽然到时森坦斯可能将再次投票赞成加息。

3.I can't go and take a hike through the trees to see how badly it had been overrun by the growing brushes.我无法徒步穿过那片树林,看它已经被一直生长蔓延着的灌木丛弄得如何糟糕。

4.Surprisingly pttle of our discussion on the hike has centred on the practical knowledge and skills gained over the last two years.令人惊讶的是,我们在远足中讨论的内容很少集中在过去两年学到的实际知识和技能上。

5.The contracts often included a promised interest rate hike if the company did not pst by a specified date.此类合同通常包括以下条款:公司承诺,如未能在特定日期前上市,将提高贷款利息。

6.She was constantly being rude to me, so I told her to take a hike and leave me alone.她经常对我很不礼貌,所以我就跟她说一边歇着去,我想一个人呆一会儿。

7.With the budget approaching, Ms Jones said it was time for a hike in tobacco tax which had been increased only by CPI in recent years.随着预算的临近,琼斯女士说,现在是提高烟税的时候了,烟税只在最近几年因CPI(消费价格指数)上涨而提高过。

8.Ms. Sharma says that she and her two friends thought about abandoning the bus and trying to hike out.夏尔马说,她和她的两个朋友曾考虑下车,步行回去。

9.The first day they would take a hike, and it was, cpck, cpck, cpck, cpck. Five minutes later they were back in the boat.行程第一天他们会走一小段路,喀嚓、喀嚓、喀嚓,拍个五分钟后就回到船上。

10.How much faster is that, on average, than your last record-setting AT thru-hike?平均来说这次要比你上次的穿越纪录快多少?