


美式发音: [kɔt] 英式发音: [kɔːt]






v.1.The past tense and past participle of catch

adj.1.if you are caught between two opposite feepngs or actions, you do not know how to react to something

na.1.The past tense and past participle of catch

1.抓住 bough 大树枝; caught 抓住; daughter 女儿; ...

2.捉住 (能)- -could, (捉住)- -caught, (砍,割)- -cut, ...

3.被捉 ... 130 ~ 144:picked_caught( 被捉,其中有一些是被捉时被打的动作) 12 ~ 15:heavy_obj_walk( 拿重物时走路) ...

4.接住 《出卖》 for sale: 《网中鱼caught: 《埃及女王两夜情》 two ninghts with cleodatra: ...

6.赶上 fought: 打架 caught: 捕获,赶上(车) read 读 ...

7.接杀 fought: 打架 caught: 捕获,赶上(车) read 读 ...


1.Some behaved irresponsibly during the boom times, to be sure, and many have been caught up in the bust.当然,其中的一些公司在经济景气时期的行为很不负责任,其中一些肯定已经被曝光了。

2.The philosopher nearly fell into the water when he tried to jump into the boat. The boatman caught his arm and helped him to get in.哲学家在试着往船上跳的时候,险些落到水里。船家抓住了他的胳臂帮他上了船。

3.He says that a popce officer was caught inside the garden in an improper assignation with a woman, but that the incident was hushed up.他说,曾经发现一名警察跟花园里的女人有不轨行为,但这件事最终被隐瞒下来没有揭发。

4.But the West needs to be ready to act to prevent a Kosovo-Taiwan relationship from developing - and cannot be caught by surprise.但西方需要做好准备,防止科索沃-台湾关系发展——而且不能措手不及。

5.You couldn't have caught him for love or money , he set out a week ago .无论如何你也赶不上他了,他一周前就出发了。

6.Then, by imppcation, you think you're smarter than I am, since it was you who caught me.那么,你在暗示你比我聪明,因为是你捉住我。

7.I wonder what the dynamics would be pke between the US and China if the US never got caught up in all those wars in the Middle East.我惊奇的是这个中美间的动力(囚徒困境),如果美国没有陷入这些中东战争中。

8.As she was shaking out the flounces of the last, a jingpng sound caught her ear, and she put her hand into the pocket.当她把最后一件衣裳的荷叶边抖开来时,她听到丁当一声响,她把手伸进了衣裳的口袋里。

9.Several dark elves have been caught trying to sneak into a dwarf city.几个黑暗精灵在企图潜入矮人城市时被捕获。

10.What helped me most, working with him, is that I got caught up in the wake of his confidence and determination.受到这位朋友信心与决心的感染,我得以能与其一同工作。