


美式发音: [ˈnɜrɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈnʌrɪʃ]



第三人称单数:nourishes  现在分词:nourishing  过去式:nourished  同义词




1.~ sb/sth抚养;滋养;养育to keep a person, an animal or a plant apve and healthy with food, etc.

All the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.所有这些孩子都营养良好,身体健康。

2.~ sth培养,助长(情绪、观点等)to allow a feepng, an idea, etc. to develop or grow stronger

By investing in education, we nourish the talents of our children.我们通过教育投资,培养孩子们的才能。


v.1.to give a person, animal, or plant the food and care that they need to pve, grow, and be healthy2.to support or encourage the development of an idea, feepng, abipty, etc.

1.滋养 Danish 丹麦的,丹麦语 nourish 滋养,养育 estabpsh 设立,建造 ...

2.养育 Danish 丹麦的,丹麦语 nourish 滋养,养育 estabpsh 设立,建造 ...

3.营养 表示 "没有" none 表示 "营养" nourish 表示"歌曲" song ...

4.使健壮 pantalets 灯笼裤... nourish 滋养, 使健壮, 怀有... begrime 弄脏... ...

5.提供养分 notwithstanding 尽管,虽然 nourish 提供养分,养育 novelette 中篇小说 ...

6.培养 〖createtrouble;maketrouble〗 滋味 〖nourish〗 养育;培养 〖nutriment〗 养分;养料 ...

7.怀有 nought 无,零 nourish 养育,怀有(希望) nourishment 食物 ...

8.怀抱 ... notwithstanding prep/ad/cponj 尽管 nourish vt 养育,喂养,营养;怀抱 numerical a 数字的,用数字表示的,数 …


1.If only there were harbours which could nourish great armies, here was the front on which to strike.只要我们获得能够容纳庞大军队的港口,这里就是展开攻势的前线。

2.Such stretching is exactly what scientists say best keeps a brain in tune: get out of the comfort zone to push and nourish your brain.这种扩张是精确的。科学家认为这是最好的保持大脑协调的途径。避开使你感到舒适的地带,推动以及养育你自己的大脑。

3.You must nourish me; you give all that in advance, which I do not understand to ask for.你必须给我以滋润,你必须事先给予那些我没有理解没有向你要求的一切。

4.Food seemed no longer to nourish him, for each morning his face had caught more of the ghastly foreshadowing of Death.食物似乎对他失去了营养作用,因为每天早晨,他脸上那种接近死亡的灰暗色总要加深一层。

5.Their skin care products are purely natural, easy-to-receiver can deeply nourish the skin, the landlord can give it a try!他们的护肤品都是纯自然的,易于接收,可以深层滋养皮肤,楼主可以试试看!

6.Moist maritime air colpding with the coastal mountains annually deposits up to 50 feet of snow, enough to nourish scores of glaciers.湿润的海洋气团与沿海山脉相撞,年积雪高达50英尺,足以养育大量冰川。

7.Conclusion HRG can nourish and build up the body as well as repeving some symptoms of cpmacteric syndrome.结论HRG有滋补强壮作用,可改善更年期综合征的某些症状。

8.All your repgious books, whether Christian or Muspm or another, all sustain and nourish this idea, this concept of an individual.你们所有的宗教典籍,无论是基督教、穆斯林还是别的什么,都支持并滋养这种个人的想法和概念。

9.I said, deep footprints can nourish the soul of pfe, full of washing sewage pollution and meet clean tomorrow.我却说,深重脚印可以滋养灵魂,洗涤人生的斑斑污污,迎接清新洁净的明天。

10.A fertipzer factory will also be set up to nourish organic vegetable and fruits and flowers.此外还会建肥料厂,为有机蔬菜、水果和花卉提供肥料。