


美式发音: [ˈnɑkʃəs] 英式发音: [ˈnɒkʃəs]




Adj.+n.noxious gas





1.有毒的;有害的poisonous or harmful

noxious fumes有毒烟雾


adj.1.harmful, or poisonous

1.有害的 nowise 毫不,决不 noxious 有害的,有毒的 nozzle 喷嘴 ...

2.有毒的 innocuity n 无害,无毒 noxious a 有毒的 obnoxious a 令人讨厌的 ...

3.有害的,有毒的 Hoho ~ Interest 利息。 Noxious 有害的,有毒的。 tox,toxic 也是有毒的意思。 ...

4.不卫生的 spirit n. 精神,心灵,灵魂 noxious adj. 有害的,不卫生的 latex n. 胶乳,乳液 ...

5.一种有毒的气体 ... [poison] 下毒,用毒药杀害 [poisonous gas;noxious] 一种有毒的气体 [poison;toxicant] 具有毒性的物质 ...

6.有毒的东西此后产生的联想更令人不快, 意指某种讨厌的, 不卫生的,有毒的东西noxious),结果有了viruses(毒素, 毒害)的virule…


1.The kidney, as do cells in culture exposed to various noxious stimup, react in a typical manner referred to as the stress response.肾脏一样,细胞暴露于不同的文化伤害性刺激,反应在一个典型的方式称为应激反应。

2.The world and his wife will be out barbequing. There'll be screaming kids everywhere, not to mention all that noxious barbecue smoke.小孩的尖叫声将会到处都是,更不用说那些烧烤散发的毒烟。

3.Dicyclopentadiene : Noxious pquid. Handle with usual caution: do not ingest. If it is spilled on skin, rinse well with water.二环茂二烯:有毒液体。如常小心处理:不要摄入。如果溅在皮肤上,用水冲洗干净。

4.There'll be screaming kids everywhere, not to mention all that noxious barbecue smoke.那儿将会到处都是尖叫的孩子,更不用提那些有害的烤肉浓烟了。

5.Collectively, the Deccan Traps spewed enough noxious gas that some say it was the cause of the extinction.这些位于德干高原的火山口喷出大量有害气体,有人认为这正是导致恐龙灭绝的原因。

6.This procedure produces a curious effect; The new law gave rise to many complaints; These chemicals produce a noxious vapor.这道程序能够产生奇怪的效果;新法律产生很多抱怨。

7."Two years ago, it was difficult to drive past this place because of the noxious smell and the unpleasant view, " he said.“两年前,人们很难开车通过这里,因为气味恶臭有毒,场景看起来也很不舒服,”他说。

8.This noxious cocktail brings us neatly to what the Fed did not do last week.这种不利局面让我们联想到不久前美联储没有做的事情。

9.The bristles in the inflorescence represent modified branchlets. The genus includes pasture grasses, a cereal crop, and a few noxious weeds.在花序里的刚毛描述修改的小枝。属包括牧场草地,谷类庄稼和一些有害物杂草。

10.The North Wind will come as the Tree's enemy, and with its noxious breath it will tear away the third of the branches.北风就像树的敌人般地来到,连同着有害的呼吸,它的分枝会撕开三分之一。