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1.凯拉 Katrina 卡特里娜 Kayla 凯拉 Kelly 凯莉 ...

2.凯勒 •Katelyn 凯特琳 •Kayla 凯勒 •Kaylana 凯拉娜 ...

3.王曼喜 Sophia 智慧 Kayla 纯洁的 Hannah 神之优雅 ...

5.大头 joan 久安 Kayla (大头) PINK (粉红小蓁) ...

6.月桂冠 Kavita 诗歌 女性 印度 Kayla 月桂冠 女性 希伯来 Keepn 苗条的,美丽的 女性 凯尔特 ...

7.孔泳雯被困如废铁般车厢内的孔泳雯Kayla), 21岁,昨晚仍要留医治理。「佢盘骨、双脚受伤,家仲未惊完,要等照 X光先知 …


1.Kayla took 66% of the money in her bank account and spent it on a weekend vacation.凯拉参加了她的银行帐户66%的钱,花了一个周末休假。

2."The two I have picked for this year are Kayla O'Trough and. . . " Jupa's heart pounded. She had always wanted to be in that book.“今年我选出的两名同学是凯拉·奥特福和……”茱莉亚的心怦怦直跳,她一直都想被选入其中。

3.They said the "ninja team" that hacked HBGary included a 16-year-old girl named Kayla.他们说黑掉HBGary的“忍者组”包括一名16岁的女孩凯拉(Kayla)。

4.Eighteen-month-old Kayla, who was snugly belted into her car seat, emerged with only a scratch.18个月大的凯拉由于紧紧绑在座位上,仅有一处擦伤。

5.Kayla on behalf of the area past the security situation in Baghdad is relatively good city, but the recent violence is also on the rise.凯拉代区以往是巴格达安全形势相对较好的城区,但近期暴力活动也呈现上升趋势。

6.These days, she keeps her room picked up. When it does get messy, Kayla says, she takes clean-up requests more seriously.那些天她一直保持自己的房间整洁。凯拉说,在不打扫会造成麻烦的时候,她会更认真地对待打扫的要求。

7.Kayla insisted on hanging the retriever's red felt Christmas stocking each year, confident he'd someday come home.这些年来,每到圣诞节时凯拉都会坚持把为那条猎犬准备的由红毡做成的圣诞袜挂起来,因为她坚信库乔终有一天会重返家园。

8.Kayla on behalf of the district the same day roadside bomb attack, a popce convoy was attacked.凯拉代区当天还发生一起路边炸弹袭击事件,一个警察巡逻车队遇袭。

9.Kayla Martell, recently crowned Miss Delaware, is seen stypng her wig at home in Wyoming.最近当选的德拉华小姐凯拉·玛特尔在她怀俄明州的家中为假发造型。

10.Kayla Harrison won America's first-ever gold medal in Judo, and Marti Malloy won a bronze.凯拉·哈里森获得美国历史上的首枚柔道金牌,而马蒂·马洛伊获得铜牌。