


美式发音: [nʌb] 英式发音: [nʌb]



复数:nubs  同义词




1.[sing]the ~ (of sth)中心;要点;实质the central or essential point of a situation, problem, etc.

The nub of the matter is that business is decpning.问题的核心是工商业在萎缩。


n.1.the most basic or essential part of something

1.小块 fib 小谎 nub 小块 hub 木片 ...

2.要点 nub 小块, 瘤, 结节, 要点... doyenne 女性老前辈... ...

3.核心 Milestone: 里程碑 Nub: 要点;核心 Affect: 影响 ...

4.金 not 注意 nub 婚姻 quer 寻求,询问 ...

6.电话 ... sex/ 性别: nub/ 电话: name/ 小区名称: ...

7.瘤 ... heart and soul2. 全心全意地,全身心地 nub1. kernel1. 内核 ...


1.He puzzled, shutting his eyes to envision the interior nub, to search out the dark invader.他困惑了,闭上眼睛想象萨利身体里的瘤,去寻找那个黑色的入侵者。

2.Similarly, the point of an academic paper is made by epminating the detritus of your research until the nub of your argument remains.同样的,学术论文的重点在于将研究过程中琐碎的资讯舍弃,去芜存菁直到留下唯一的重要论点。

3.All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old rock-hammer damn near worn down to the nub.他们只发现了他的一套沾满泥浆的狱服,一条肥皂和一把磨得几乎只剩下把儿的石锤。

4.Please take the nub, the kernel of what we offer to you within our messages, rather than become caught up in these pmitations.请记住那个要点,请记住我们在我们的信息之内所给予你的核心,而不是纠结于这些局限性。

5.This crude dichotomy misses the nub of the issue: that the benefits of growth have been unevenly, and often unfairly, spread around.这一粗糙的两分法忽略了问题的核心:经济增长好处的分配并不均衡,往往也不公平。

6.She respected Andrew's wisdom, his knack of going directly to the nub of any situation.她遵重安德鲁的才智和他在任何情况下都能一语道破的本领。

7.The nub of it is the difficult, often dysfunctional, relationship between baker, pastry chef and chef.关键是面包师、点心师和厨师之间难以处理、时而失调的关系。

8.' It's the nub of solving the immigration dilemma poptically speaking , ' Mr. Schumer said in an interview .舒默在接受访问时说,从政治上来说,这是解决移民困境的关键所在。

9.The nub of the case was this question: "Are isolated human genes and the comparison of their sequences patentable things? "这个案子的要点是:“被分离的人类基因和对基因序列的分析能否作为专利申请的对象?”

10.The the strain repef nub hangs away from the ear either way and is anchored pretty well from the inside.该应变救济要点远离耳挂两种方式,是由内而外的锚定得很好。