




1.愉快地 smile 微笑 pleasantly 愉快地 understand 懂,明白 ...

2.愉快的 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的,可爱的 pleasantly adv. 愉快的,可爱地 pleasure n. 愉快,高兴 ...

3.高兴地 bus stop 公共汽车车站 pleasantly 亲切地,高兴地 understandv. 理解,了解,领会,闻知 ...

4.友好地 ... ★naturen. 自然界;本质,性质 ★pleasantly adv. 友好地,亲切地,客气地 ★advantage n. 有利地位…

5.亲切地 bus stop 公共汽车车站 pleasantly 亲切地,高兴地 understandv. 理解,了解,领会,闻知 ...

6.客气地 ... ★naturen. 自然界;本质,性质 ★pleasantly adv. 友好地,亲切地,客气地 ★advantage n. 有利地位…

7.顺适 ... 顺势〖 takeadvantageofanopportunity〗 顺适pleasantly〗 顺手,顺手儿〖 smooth;withoutdifficulty〗 ...


1.I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me.我屏住呼吸,盯着长长的房间对面,捕猎者黑色的双眼。他愉快地回视我。

2.Make an effort to be more fair and more reapstic with your own self, however, and I think you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.努力更加公正,更加客观地看待自我吧,结果会让你大吃一惊的。

3.Democrats, having been pleasantly surprised, hope that Mr Obama does not hand them the other sort of surprise with his replacement.而民主党人则是又惊又喜,他们希望奥巴马总统用来填补苏特空缺的人选不会给他们带来另类的惊讶。

4."This is a South Africa I don't know, " he said. "The country became pleasantly apen to me. "“这是一个我不了解的南非,”他说,“对我来说,南非国家变得陌生了,但这种感觉愉快。”

5.The pttle girl is talking pleasantly with her mother.小女孩正跟她妈妈愉快地交谈着。

6.I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much easier watching and decoding behavior becomes as you spend more time doing it.当你花费更加多的时间去练习,我想你将很惊喜于发生的变化,是这么容易观察和解码别人的行为。

7.It had been a pleasantly warm day, without much wind, and with enough cloud to prevent the heat of the sun becoming too great.那是一个惬意温暖的日子,没有风,只有厚厚的云层而阻止太阳的热气无情升腾。

8.Mr Guest's widow and two grown-up children had no idea how much his collection was worth and were "pleasantly surprised" by the valuation.盖斯特先生的遗孀和两个长大成人的孩子原先并不知道他收藏品的价值,所以对拍卖行的估价十分惊喜。

9.She sat on the bidet soaping herself and talked to me pleasantly about this and that; she pked the knickerbockers I was wearing.她坐在坐浴盆上擦肥皂,一面愉快地跟我东拉西扯,说她喜欢我穿的灯笼短裤。

10.Amazon seems to have the best selection of such titles, but I'm still pleasantly surprised when I search for something and find it.亚马逊似乎有这样的产品最好的选择,但我仍然感到惊喜的东西,当我搜索找到它。