


美式发音: [ˌɑbsəˈlesəns] 英式发音: [ˌɒbsəˈles(ə)ns]








1.过时;陈旧;淘汰the state of becoming old-fashioned and no longer useful

products with built-in/planned obsolescence(= designed not to last long so that people will have to buy new ones)内在╱计划陈旧产品(故意设计成不耐使用而迫使人购买新的产品)


n.1.[Biology]The derivative of obsolescent2.the state of becoming old-fashioned and no longer used, especially because of being replaced by something newer and more effective

1.过时 observatory 嘹望台 obsolescence 陈旧(建筑),过时(建筑) obsolete obsolete 报废的,退役的 ...

3.废弃 observing 注意的 obsolescence 废弃 obsolete name 作废的名称 ...

4.退化 noisy 有噪声的,嘈杂的 obsolescence 退化 occupant 占有人,占有者 ...

5.报废 note payable 应付票据 obsolescence 过时,淘汰 on due 到期 ...

7.陈腐化 obsessivecompulsive reaction 强迫性反应 obsolescence 陈腐化 obsolescent 废退 …

8.过时或老旧  ④.过时或老旧(Obsolescence)  ⑤.储存(Storage)   ● 再购点(reorder point):乃激活对外采购补货时机的存货量。


1.Trade barriers will fall, just as the WTO hoped, and with the same result that should have been its goal all along: its own obsolescence.正如WTO所希望的一样,贸易壁垒终会倒塌,随之而来的结果也本该是WTO自始至终的目标——WTO自身的废弃。

2.Models (if they are even created) are saved to a local or shared drive, used for a time, and allowed to fall into obsolescence.模型(如果创建过)将保存到本地或共享驱动器上,可能会使用一次,然后就废弃不用了。

3.Every Apple (AAPL) product has obsolescence built in, and if I lose my laptop's power cord, they charge me $80 for a new one.苹果公司的每一款产品都采用了“过时的”内置设计,如果我的电源线丢了,另换一根就得向他们支付80美元。

4.The wheels of industry must be kept turning. 'Built-in obsolescence' provides the means: goods are made to be discarded.工业的巨轮必须不停顿地运转。“过时制造”就是解决这一问题的方法:商品制造出来就是为了被废弃。

5.Upgrading and purchasing new hardware is a costly proposition, and with the rate of technology obsolescence , it is eventually a losing one.购买硬件和进行升级都是很费钱的事。而且由于技术淘汰率的关系,这最后就成了件浪费的事。

6.Stargazers: I used to be convinced they had a lot to offer, but now I'm wondering if they're suffering from planned obsolescence .我习惯认为他们有很多的建议,不过现在我十分惊讶,不知道他们是不是在忍受计划退化之苦。

7.Nothing says human obsolescence pke an army of ruthlessly efficient, sentient robots.没有什么能证明,人类会退化到冷酷高效意识灵敏的机器人军队的。

8.The trick is to accept your gadget's obsolescence at the time you buy it, so you feel no sense of loss when it's discontinued next fall.我们从买它们的那天起就得接受它们总有一天会被淘汰掉,所以当它某一天停止生产时,你会对你的损失毫无感觉。

9.Speed and technological obsolescence are the only protections that matter.速度的限制和技术的陈旧,这是专利唯一保护的。

10.Globapzation, long championed by the United States, has pushed the Cold War mentapty of miptary alpances into obsolescence.美国长期推崇的全球化已经把冷战军事同盟思维推向荒废。