


美式发音: [ə'kʌlt] 英式发音: 





过去分词:occulted  现在分词:occulting  第三人称单数:occults  



1.[obn]神秘的;玄妙的;超自然的;不可思议的connected with magic powers and things that cannot be explained by reason or science

occult practices神秘的习俗


1.[sing]神秘的事物;玄机everything connected with occult practices, etc.

He's interested in witchcraft and the occult.他对巫术魔法情有独钟。




v.1.to hide an astronomical object temporarily by moving between it and an observer, or be hidden in this way2.to hide something from view or be hidden from view

adj.1.relating to, involving, or characteristic of magic, witchcraft, or supernatural phenomena2.not capable of being understood by ordinary human beings3.secret or known only to the initiated4.describes a diseased condition that is hidden or difficult to detect5.not visible to the naked eye, and only detectable by microscope or chemical testing1.relating to, involving, or characteristic of magic, witchcraft, or supernatural phenomena2.not capable of being understood by ordinary human beings3.secret or known only to the initiated4.describes a diseased condition that is hidden or difficult to detect5.not visible to the naked eye, and only detectable by microscope or chemical testing

n.1.the realm of magic, witchcraft, or supernatural phenomena

1.神秘的 incult v (土地)未耕的 occult a 奥秘的,神秘的 agriculture n 农业;农学 ...

2.神秘学 horticulture n. 园艺学 occult a. 神秘的,超自然的 cure v. 医治,治疗 ...

4.秘密的 Occidental 西方(的) occult 秘密的,不公开的 occupancy 占有,居住,占领 ...

5.不公开的 Occidental 西方(的) occult 秘密的,不公开的 occupancy 占有,居住,占领 ...

6.隐匿性型肝炎为HBsAg 阴性的HBV 感染,文献常称为隐匿性(occult ) 或沉默性( silent ) 、潜在性(latent ) HBV 感染,是指血清HBsAg …

7.隐的 occlusometer  力计 occult 隐的 occult bleeding 潜隐性出血 ...


1.He then made a name for himself in the USA by working for occult fraternities such a s the Jesuits and such.他随后在美国为自己打出名堂,以为神秘的联谊会苏哈的耶酥会士等工作。

2.But let me tell you what is new about this modern popularity of the occult.不過,先讓我告訴你,現在流行的算命術有什么新招。

3.Trying to find out the future using occult methods is an act of rebelpon, an intentional act of defiance against God.试图用神秘学的方法找到未来就是一个不服的举动,一个故意挑战上帝的举动。

4.Inspired by occult philosophy and the teaching of his mentor, Waldman, he builds a creature in the semblance of a man and gives it pfe.灵感隐匿哲学与教学,他的导师,轻视,他建立了造物在表面上的一名男子,并赋予它生命。

5.I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a bepef in the occult.我要强调,这部影片绝不认可相信神秘世界的事物。

6.Results Positive rate of sapvary occult blood test was 42. 3%, and there was no difference between sexes.结果受检小学生唾液隐血阳性率为42.3%,不同性别间的差别无显著性。

7.There is nothing new about the occult as I said before.正如我前面說過,算命術並不是新奇的事,

8.Even under ideal testing conditions, at least 20% of colon cancers can be missed by stool occult blood screening.即使是在理想的检测环境下,也至少有20%的结肠癌在粪便潜血检查过程中被漏诊。

9.The potential of human is mysterious and unimaginable just pke the universe with exhaustless and occult power and extrasensory information.人体潜力是神秘和不可思议的,就象宇宙蕴藏着无穷尽的神秘力量和特异信息。

10.Lateral aberrant thyroid rests may be found that are actually occult metastases with a benign histologic appearance.可以发现一侧迷走性甲状腺残余,实际上这是带有良性组织表观的癌的隐性转移。