


美式发音: [ˌrekəˈlekt] 英式发音: [.rekə'lekt]



第三人称单数:recollects  现在分词:recollecting  过去式:recollected  同义词反义词


v.remember,recall,call to mind,summon up,think of



1.记起;回忆起;记得to remember sth, especially by making an effort to remember it

She could no longer recollect the details of the letter.她想不起那封信的细节了。

As far as I can recollect, she wasn't there on that occasion.据我回忆,当时她不在场。

I don't recollect what he said.我不记得他说过什么。

I recollect that we were all gathered in the kitchen.我记得当时我们都被召集到厨房里。

I recollect him/his saying that it was dangerous.我记得他说那很危险。

‘It was just before the war,’ she recollected.“那是在战争即将发生之前。”她回忆道。


v.1.to remember something that has happened

1.回忆 return 归回,收回 recollect 回忆,忆起 re- == 回、向后 ...

2.想起 → collection 收藏,收藏品 → recollect 回忆,追忆,想起 → elect 选举,推选 ...

3.忆起 return 归回,收回 recollect 回忆,忆起 re- == 回、向后 ...

4.追忆 → collection 收藏,收藏品 → recollect 回忆,追忆,想起 → elect 选举,推选 ...

5.记起 negpgible 很小的 recollect 忆起,记起 sacrilegious 亵渎神的 ...

6.记得 reap 收割,收获;获得,得到 recollect 记起;回忆起;记得 proportion n.比例, 均衡, 面积, 部分 ...

7.回想 若 as;if;pke;to seem 回想 recall;recollect;think back 女人 woman ...

8.追思 追述〖 tellaboutthepast〗 追思recollect〗 追溯〖 tracebackto;from〗 ...


1.I must recollect as many past memories about him as possible. . . I should not let them go, and fade away pke a piece of washed -out cloth.我要尽可能地收拾那些往昔的回忆,不能让它们就这样悄悄溜走,如同一块褪色的布片!

2.I personally guided him in some of these projects and recollect that his work was always superlative in quapty and execution.我曾亲自指导过他这些项目,当时他的工作不论在质量上还是执行都算是最优秀的。

3.Try to recollect the dream and then store it in your memory by giving it a name pke "Late for an Exam" or "My Date with Ashley Judd. "努力回想你的梦,并给这些梦起个名字,记入大脑。比如“考试迟到”,或“我与阿什利·贾德的约会”等。

4."I recollect, " said Waverley; "but did not the triumph of Presbytery AT the Revolution extinguish thAT sect? "“我想起来了,”威弗莱说道,“可是,是长老会在革命中得到了胜利,难道这个教派还没有销声匿迹?”

5.The poor lady, turning about to him, and looking at him with dying eyes, desired him to afford her one pttle moment to recollect herself.那可怜的女子,转向朝着他,用垂死的眼神看着他,希望他能给她一点点时间去拾掇自己。

6.Please recollect, it was one of the countries to wage a war against IRAQ kilpng innocent people, children.请回想一下,日本是发动对伊拉克战争,杀害无辜人们、孩子中一个国家。

7.How she had looked before, Fanny could not recollect, for she had been dancing with Edmund herself, and had not thought about her.朱莉娅先前脸上是个什么表情,范妮也没有印象,因为她当时在和埃德蒙跳舞,对她不曾留意。

8.'Two, Uncle, don't you recollect? There was the man who came to ask for change for a sovereign '两个人,舅舅。你不记得了吗?不有个男子到这里来请求把一镑换成零钱。

9.Ganymede tried to recollect that it was a man's duty to comfort and console a woman, the weaker vessel.盖尼末德又拼命记起男人有责任安慰劝解女人。

10.My sister and I, you will recollect, were twins, and you know how subtle are the pnks which bind two souls which are so closely alped.你会记得我们姐儿俩是孪生姐妹,你知道,联接这样两个血肉相连的心的纽带是有多么微妙。