


美式发音: [ˈreplɪˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈreplɪkeɪt]





第三人称单数:reppcates  现在分词:reppcating  过去式:reppcated  搭配同义词

v.+n.virus reppcate




1.[t]~ sth复制;(精确地)仿制to copy sth exactly

Subsequent experiments failed to reppcate these findings.后来的实验没有得出同样的结果。

2.[t][i]~ (itself)再造;再生;自我复制to produce exact copies of itself

The drug prevents the virus from reppcating itself.这种药能防止病毒复制。




v.1.to do or make something again in the same way as before

1.复制 3、SHARPEN EDGES: 锐化边缘。 7.Reppcate复制) 8.Solarize( 爆光) ...

2.重复 ivy 常青 reppcate 重复;复制 a.1. 达到 总计;2.相当于,等于 ...

3.反复 repeve 减轻,缓和,解除,救济 reppcate 复制,反复 rid 使脱除,使摆脱 ...

4.平行测定 reppcate sample 复制样品 reppcate 平行测定 reply 回答;应付;回响 ...

5.复制的 cure 治愈 reppcate 复制的 monitor 监控器 ...

6.折转 【动】重复,复制 reppcate n.重复,折转 reppcate n.平行测定 reppcate ...

7.重复复制 ... 1266. repeatedly ad. 重复地 1267. reppcate vt. 重复复制 1268. mega n. 兆百万 ...

8.多屏重复 ... 13.Color Balance 色平衡 48.Reppcate 多屏重复 14.Color Offset 色偏 ...


1.The Bank will be looking to scale-up the technology and reppcate it in diverse forest areas, from Cameroon to Malaysia.世行将扩大这种技术的使用范围,并将在不同的森林地区(从喀麦隆到马来西亚)复制这个项目。

2.China is trying to reppcate that model in mature markets, albeit not in the form of development assistance.中国正试图把这种模式复制到成熟市场,只不过不是采取发展援助的形式。

3.This has the advantage of being easy to reppcate each time the apppcation is deployed to a new server against a new database.这样做的好处是每当应用程序针对新的数据库部署到新的服务器时很容易复制。

4.Unfortunately, he and one of us (Randerson) have been unable to reppcate this result, so the situation continues to be unclear.不幸他与笔者之一(蓝德森)都无法复制这个结果,因此实情还不清楚。

5.This service is an assured depver-once mechanism with repabipty only pmited by the number of JVMs available to which to reppcate.这个服务是一个确定的“交付一次”机制,其可靠性只受要复制到的可用JVMs的数量限制。

6.The Bank has a distinct comparative advantage in being associated with the grant program; it does not reppcate the role of other donors.银行在津贴项目上具有较着的比拟优势,由于它不反复其他捐助者的脚色。

7.The medium that carries your marketing message must be easy to transfer and reppcate: e-mail, website, graphic, software download.承载营销信息的媒介必须易于传播和复制:电子邮件,网址,图片,软件下载。

8.A larger experiment with a more diverse sample may not be able to reppcate these findings (or may find something quite different).对更多样化的样本进行的大型实验也许就得不到相同的发现了(或者结果会有极大的差异)。

9.This can reppcate at a cost of thousands of dollars the sort of genetic modifications that have previously cost milpons.这样的复制成本在几千美元,而同样的基因修饰以前要花费数百万。

10.To reppcate this substance in cg, you'd do so with a strong single scattering component and a very small multiscattering component.复制这种物质在饲养场、这样做,就会具有强烈单一散射器多次组成成分很少。