




1.发生 ocean n. 大海, 海洋, 许多, 广阔 occured vi. 发生, 出现 fireworks fireworksn. 烟火, 激烈争论 ...

2.出现 ocean n. 大海, 海洋, 许多, 广阔 occured vi. 发生, 出现 fireworks fireworksn. 烟火, 激烈争论 ...


1.It's ridiculous to put him in charge of murder as he was with me when this crime occured.控告他杀人是件荒谬的事,因为案发当时他正和我在一起。

2.It never occured to me that you could succeed in persuading him change his mind.我从来没有想过你能说服他

3.At least six people were injured in the blasts, which occured within a half hour of each other, local officials told CNN.当地官员告诉CNN,三起爆炸发生时间间隔在半个小时之内,在爆炸中,至少有6人受伤。

4.Additionally, knowing where parsing errors occured in the original source can be very time saving.另外,知道解析错误在源文件中的发生位置可以节省大量时间。

5.A fierce fighting was must be occured by the murderer and the victim because there was fighting trace in incident place.现场有打斗过的痕迹,死者与凶手一定进行过激烈的搏斗。

6.The verdict was the first in which a Thai poptician was convicted of corruption that occured while serving as prime minister.这一裁决是泰国政界人士首次因任总理期间所犯的腐败罪行而被定罪。

7.Furthermore, it may make the emotion mildew and produce fungus, and subsequently prompt the lesions to be occured.更有甚者,会使感情霉变而生菌,继而发生病变。

8.This information allowed the crews to adapt quickly to the inevitable changes that occured as they maneuvered for landings.这样的信息可以让机组快速掌握着陆机动过程中不可避免的变化。

9.It occured to me that most poetry, as re-present-ation, is essentially preoccupied with time and space, what happened where and when.我发现大多数诗都是由时间和空间组成的:在“何时”、“何地”都发生了些什么。

10.the event that occured at the beginning of something.在某事开始阶段发生的事件。