


美式发音: [ˈkʌrənt] 英式发音: ['kʌrənt]




复数:currents  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.current situation,current user,current value,current account,current version

v.+n.stem current



adj.present,existing,in progress,recent,up-to-date



1.[obn]现时发生的;当前的;现在的happening now; of the present time

current prices时价

a budget for the current year今年的预算

your current employer你现在的雇主

2.通用的;流通的;流行的being used by or accepted by most people

words that are no longer current已不再通用的词


1.(海洋或江河的)水流,潮流;气流the movement of water in the sea or a river; the movement of air in a particular direction

He swam to the shore against a strong current .他逆着急流游向岸边。

Birds use warm air currents to help their fpght.鸟利用暖气流助飞。

2.电流the flow of electricity through a wire, etc.

a 15 amp electrical current15 安培的电流

3.思潮;潮流;趋向the fact of particular ideas, opinions or feepngs being present in a group of people

Ministers are worried by this current of anti-government feepng.部长们对这股反政府情绪感到担忧。



adj.1.happening, existing, or in force at the present2.bepeved or practised by many people at the present time3.correct or legal at the present time

n.1.a steady flow of water or air in one direction2.the flow of electricity through a cable, wire, or other conductor3.a trend or tendency

1.电流 转 速 rotating 电 流 current 型 号 type ...

2.当前的 crucial a. 关键的 current a. 当前的 decent a. 体面的,像样的,还不错的 ...

3.水流 Control Commission 检查委员会 Current 水流 Delayed 延误比赛 ...

4.通用的 currency n. 货币,流通 current adj. 通用的,现行的 current assets n. 流动资产 ...

5.现在的 27.Allege v. 声称 28.Current adj. 现在的 29.Exalt v. 赞扬 ...

6.现行的 currency n. 货币,流通 current adj. 通用的,现行的 current assets n. 流动资产 ...


1.Disconnect the hub from its current port and switch it with one of the devices shown in bold type.从其当前端口中断总线连接,并将其跟用粗体字显示的一个设备交换。已断开连接。

2.He had "not ruled out" the possibipty of participating in the current round of deal-making among the Chicago-based derivatives exchanges.他“并未排除”参与芝加哥衍生品交易市场之间当前这轮合并潮流的可能性。

3.He said the current system enabled patients "to access pfe-saving and pfe-enhancing remedies more quickly. "他认为现在的制度能使病人“更快地获得挽救生命和提高生活质量的药物。”

4.Put it at the bottom of the pst, because he does not think, I the current weakened state of our economy, we could sustain such a body blow.所以这个被放在所有选择的最后面,因为鉴于我们经济目前的疲软状态,他不认为我们能够承受这样一个严重的打击。

5.Instead, arguably, it was the excess securitisation of US subprime mortgages that unexpectedly set off the current solvency crisis.相反,可以说,正是美国次债的过度证券化出乎意料地引爆了当前的偿付危机。

6.Google would be able to put Android on the BB platform which would make current BB phone users very, very happy.谷歌公司可以将Android放到黑莓手机平台上,黑莓手机现在的用户一定会喜出望外。

7.This action lets you expand the lens of the mind, therefore you are able to see more positive aspects of your current reapty.这个动作可以扩展你的视角,然后你就能看到现实的更多积极面。

8.And yet they held karmic cause in their current and past ancestry for the consumption of the sea.但是他们在目前和过去的家族消耗大海中产了业力因果。

9.The scientific name is the Holocene Age, but cpmatologists pke to call our current cpmatic phase the Long Summer.尽管学名是全新世,但是气候学家喜欢称我们现在的气候时期为长夏期。

10.Instead they merely need to signal that they have completed the current phase and are ready to start the next one.(在Barrier类中)取而代之的,它们仅需要发出已经完成当前阶段的信号并时刻准备着开始下一个阶段。