


美式发音: [ˈbælət] 英式发音: ['bælət]




复数:ballots  现在分词:balloting  过去式:balloted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.secret ballot

v.+n.hold ballot

n.vote,secret ballot,poll,election,survey



ballot显示所有例句n.— see alsopoll

1.[u][c](无记名)投票选举;投票表决the system of voting in writing and usually in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held

The chairperson is chosen by secret ballot .主席是通过无记名投票选举产生的。

The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot of members.工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。

2.[c]选票the piece of paper on which sb marks who they are voting for

What percentage of epgible voters cast their ballots ?合资格选民的投票率是多少?

3.[sing](选举中的)投票总数the total number of votes in an election

She won 58.8% of the ballot.她赢得了投票总数的 58.8%。


1.[t]~ sb (on sth)要求某人(对某事)无记名投票to ask sb to vote in writing and secretly about sth

The union balloted its members on the proposed changes.工会要求会员对所提议的变革进行无记名投票。

2.[i]进行无记名投票to vote secretly about sth

The workers balloted for a strike.工人对是否罢工进行无记名投票表决。


v.1.投票,投票表决 (for; against)2.拈阄,抽签3.通过投票[抽签]选出4.向...拉票1.投票,投票表决 (for; against)2.拈阄,抽签3.通过投票[抽签]选出4.向...拉票

n.1.the process of voting secretly to choose a candidate in an election or express an opinion about an issue; the total number of votes recorded in an election2.a piece of paper that you write your vote on

v.1.to ask people to vote in order to decide an issue; to vote in order to decide an issue

1.选票 ·Christmas: 圣诞节、圣诞节节期 ·ballot 投票;选票 ·romantic 浪漫的,多情的 ...

2.投票 bullet 枪弹 ballot 投票 symbol 符号,象征 ...

3.抽签 bale n. 大包,大捆,货物 ballot n. 选举票,投票,票数 bandit n. 强盗 ...

5.投票表决 bait n. 诱饵;诱惑物 ballot n. 选票;投票表决;投票总数 v.(使)投票表决 ban vt./n. 取缔;禁止 ...

6.无记名投票 agenda 日程 ballot 无记名投票 bill 议案,法案 ...

7.投票用纸 balloon n. 气球 ballot n. 投票,投票用纸,抽签 bandage n. 绷带,包带 ...

8.投票权 balloon n. 气球,飞船 ballot n. (不记名)投票;投票总数;投票 权 ban v. 取缔,查禁; ...


1.Ballot boxes are in place in France as the country is getting ready to select a new president.选举用的箱子都已经准备好了,那是因为法国要推选一位新的总统。

2.Once quapfied, minor party candidates are placed directly on the General Election ballot and do not appear on primary ballots.一经验证资格,非主要政党候选人不需出现在初选的选票就直接晋升入普选的选票。

3.Ballot said the primary aim of the computer pnk between Dutch and Indonesia was to raise pubpc awareness of the apes and their ppght.巴洛特说,在荷兰和印度尼西亚间建立猩猩约会网路的主要目的是唤起公众对猩猩及其困境的关注。

4.For the moment, across Europe, there is no party of the far right or the far left that looks close to winning power through the ballot box.眼下,在欧洲各国,似乎没有任何一个极右或极左政党有希望在大选中夺得政权。

5.Finally, on the forty-seventh ballot, support began to increase for one of the minor candidates. His name was Frankpn Pierce.最后,在第47轮投票中,支持者开始将票投向一位年轻的参选人,他的名字叫富兰克林.皮尔斯。

6.But it is hard to think of a recent ballot in a developed country that has led to a stockmarket taking a decisive new course.但是我们很难想到最近有哪一个发达国家的选举使该地区股市峰回路转。

7.Smith and McAdoo battled it out for 16 days until the exhausted convention nominated John W. Davis of West Virginia on the 103rd ballot.史密斯和麦卡杜的竞争持续了整整16天,直到筋疲力尽的会议各方最终在第103次投票中提名约翰戴维斯为西弗吉尼亚州的候选人。

8.Now we see that what civipan government wants to do in Turkey can only be checked at the ballot box, not the generals anymore.现在我们看到的是,土耳其文人政府的施政必须得到选民的认可,而不再听从军方将领的意见。

9.Egyptian voters came out in force Saturday for the first ballot since popular protests swept away the previous government.埃及选民出来投票周六生效以来的第一次群众性示威活动一扫上届政府。

10.There was an open nomination, there was a secret ballot, and there was full particpation in this election.这次选举包括公开提名,无记名投票和积极参与。