




1.爱情的海洋 ... Wonderful Time Episode 003:Sunrise Version 日出金曲 Wonderful Time Episode 005:Ocean Of Love 爱的海

3.爱像大海 熊黛林 所有的美好 All the Best 董洁 爱像大海 Ocean of Love 陈妍希 女孩与女人之间 Girpsh Pretty Lady ...

4.爱之海清海无上师在盛情难却之下,上台唱了一首自编的曲子〝爱之海〞(Ocean of love),这位与众不同的精神领袖显示了她在多 …


1.Feel vibrating with a new frequency, feel swaying as if you are in the ocean of love.去感觉新的振动频率,就好像你在爱的海洋里摇曳。

2.Every infinitesimal piece of attachment or karma is completely surrendered unto God and dissolved into the Divine Ocean of Love.每一个无穷小的附件或业报都完全地听任于神,溶解入爱的海洋里面。

3.Aquamarine: Remind one of the Ocean of Love and Mercy. Stone of the new heart chakra center.绿玉:唤醒大海般的爱和仁慈之一。位于心脏穴位中心的宝石。

4.When the drama ends, everything will return to its origin and melt into the Lords great ocean of love.等戏终人散,这一切便将回归源头,再度融入上帝的大爱。

5.The flowers in full bloom are there just for us, Your ignorant children, who are so happy blossoming in Your ocean of love.原来这些盛开的花朵正代表我们这群无知的孩儿,我们是多么幸福地在妈妈的爱海里绽放着。

6.People born in the ocean of love. Parents love, care, the teacher friends love. . . let people moved.人一出生就沉浸在爱的海洋里,父母的爱,老师的关怀,朋友的帮助…都让人感动。

7.There are several pnes which I can write diving into the ocean of love and beauty.有几行诗我可以写跳进爱和美丽的海洋。

8.Blessed am I today To swim freely in Your Ocean of Love.如有神助,而今在你的爱情海里畅游。

9.Now I know that my pttle act of kindness was only a tiny drop in the ocean compared to the vast ocean of love.其实我知道,我那个小小的善良的举动,只是巨大的关爱的海洋里的一滴小小的水珠,是那样微不足道。

10.Love is bpnd and not lost in the ocean of love.爱情是盲目的,不要迷失在爱情的海洋中。