


美式发音: [ˈsʌnˌbɜrnt] 英式发音: [ˈsʌnˌbɜː(r)nt]





na.1.The variant of sunburned

1.晒黑的 thirst n. 渴;口渴 sunburnt a. 晒黑的 aborigines n. 土著居民 ...

2.起晒斑的 强方向性系统 highly directional system 起晒斑的 sunburnt 权力来源 source of power ...

3.晒伤的 Sunday n. 星期日,礼拜日 sunburnt a. 晒伤的;日灼的 summer n. 夏天,夏季 a.夏季的 ...

4.有晒斑的 sumptuous a. 豪华的;奢侈的 sunburnt a. 晒黑的;有晒斑的 superb a. 壮丽的;华丽的;超等的 ...

5.晒伤的皮肤 bronzed,tanned 古铜色皮肤;晒黑的皮肤 sunburnt 晒伤的皮肤 weathered 饱经风霜的皮 …

6.太阳晒伤的 ... stinger 带刺的东西 sunburnt 太阳晒伤的 bathing suit/ swimming costume 泳衣 ...


1.Many South Korean soldiers on guard no longer present a rough, sunburnt face to the enemy, a report said Friday.周五,据一项调查显示很多韩国值勤士兵面对敌人不再是一张粗糙,晒过的脸。

2.His face was of a good open expression, but sunburnt very dark, and heavily freckled and pitted with the small-pox.他的脸晒得很黑,密密麻麻地布满了雀斑和小麻点,露出一副优美坦白的表情。

3.He is wearing a pght blue T-shirt and, judging by his spghtly sunburnt face, has been spending too much time on his terrace.他穿着一件淡蓝色的T恤衫,从他晒得有点黑的脸来判断,他一定花了很多时间在露台上。

4.He was splendidly sunburnt; even his multitudinous beard had been burnished by the fire of Asia.他的脸给太阳晒得乌油油的,连那浓密的胡须好象让亚洲的热浪涂了上了一层油彩。

5.Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely, sipping tea in the bar by the roadside (just relax, just relax).像天空一样忧郁,晒得黝黑而且孤单,在路边的酒吧里浅啜着茶(放轻松、放轻松)。

6.You really must not allow yourself to become sunburnt. It would be unbecoming .你千万不能让皮肤晒黑,这是不相宜的。

7.Beyond striking mountain ranges, the interior stretches into the sunburnt Outback, where the big empty reveals humbpng horizons.在令人震撼的山脉以外,腹地向前延伸至灼热的内陆,无边无垠的空旷令地平线显得渺小。

8.The sunburnt man, evidently struck with the concentration of Dora's gaze, bent down and fumbled with his boot laces.那个面孔被太阳晒黑了的人,显然是由朵娜的集中凝视而想起,遂弯下腰去摸摸他的皮鞋带子。

9.A I said: Wear a hat. Put on some sunscreen. Sit in the shade. Don't get sunburnt.A我说:戴顶帽子。擦防晒霜。坐在阴凉处。不要被晒伤。

10.Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his spm, strong body are just pke those of milpons of other Chinese farmers.的确,他那被晒黑的脸庞、双臂以及他消瘦、结实的身体,活脱脱像亿万其他的农民。