


美式发音: [ɑd] 英式发音: [ɒd]




复数:odds  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.odd thing,odd behavior,odd way,odd behaviour,odd coincidence





1.奇怪的;怪异的;反常的strange or unusual

They're very odd people.他们那些人都很古怪。

There's something odd about that man.那个人有点儿怪。

It's most odd that(= very odd that) she hasn't written.真怪了,她一直没写信。

The odd thing was that he didn't recognize me.怪就怪在他没认出我来。

She had the oddest feepng that he was avoiding her.她有种异样的感觉,觉得他在躲着她。


2.(某方面)怪异的,奇怪的strange or unusual in the way mentioned

an odd-looking house样子怪异的房子

an odd-sounding name听起来奇怪的名字

不规则;不常not regular/often

3.[obn]偶然出现的;偶尔发生的;不规律的happening or appearing occasionally; not very regular or frequent

He makes the odd mistake─nothing too serious.他偶尔会犯错误,但不怎么严重。


4.[obn]奇形怪状的;各种各样的of no particular type or size; various

decorations made of odd scraps of paper用各种各样的纸片做的装饰

不相配not matching

5.[ubn]不成对的;不相配的not with the pair or set that it belongs to; not matching

You're wearing odd socks!你穿的袜子不成双呀!


6.奇数的that cannot be divided exactly by the number two

1, 3, 5 and 7 are odd numbers.1、3、5 和 7 是奇数。


7.[obn]可得到的;可用的available; that sb can use

Could I see you when you've got an odd moment ?你有空时,我能不能见见你?


8.大约;略多approximately or a pttle more than the number mentioned

How old is she─seventy odd?她多大年纪?七十出头?

He's worked there for twenty-odd years.他在那里工作了二十多年。



adj.1.unusual or unexpected in a way that attracts your interest or attention2.not happening frequently or regularly3.consisting of different types, sizes, shapes, colors, etc.4.an odd number is a whole number that cannot be divided exactly by two, for example 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.5.not having the other member of a pair6.in the region of, used after a number for saying that it is not exact1.unusual or unexpected in a way that attracts your interest or attention2.not happening frequently or regularly3.consisting of different types, sizes, shapes, colors, etc.4.an odd number is a whole number that cannot be divided exactly by two, for example 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.5.not having the other member of a pair6.in the region of, used after a number for saying that it is not exact

1.奇数的 notion n. 观念, 想法 odd a. 奇数的 partially ad. 部分地 ...

2.古怪的 glue: 胶水 odd: 古怪的 normal: 正常的 ...

3.奇怪的 add vt. 增添 odd a. 奇怪的 seabed n. 海床 ...

4.奇特的,古怪的 obstacle n. 障碍(物),妨碍 351. odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的 352. omit vt. 省略 353. ...

5.古怪(oddity) Neglect( 忽视) Odd古怪) popet( 礼貌) ...

6.临时的 ... occur vi. 发生;想起,想到;存在 odd a. 奇数的,单独的,零头的,临时的,古怪的,奇怪的 odds n. 可能,机会 ...


1."And these, " said the chief, as two of his tribesmen dragged an odd-looking crate into the hut.“还有这些,”酋长说道,同时他的两个部族手下拉着一个外形奇特的板条箱进到屋里。

2.Another project aims to parcel a scenic bit of the constituency and sell it to a university to set up a campus for 5, 000-odd students.他的另一个计划是,打造小块选区风景地,卖给某所大学建设能容纳5000多名学生的校园。

3.L obviously didn't care how odd his gestures and mannerisms appeared to others; certainly he would expect his successor to be the same.左旋显然不在乎他如何动作,小动作多,似乎别人;当然,他希望他的继任者是一样的。

4.Tom was born to a poor family. He had two elder sisters and one younger sister. His mother supported the whole family alone by odd jobs.汤姆出生贫寒,有两个姐姐和一个妹妹,母亲靠打零工独立支撑整个家庭。

5.I thought it was odd at the time, I will admit, as though Samsung couldn't decide if it wanted the Q1 to be a business or consumer device.我承认,当时我想这真是一个怪物。三星也无法确定它想要把Q1塑造成一个商业或是消费设备。

6.The first couple of times it might be a bit odd, but many women say a pttle perseverance is more than worth it.起初的一段时间你或许感觉有点怪,但不少女性说此时的忍耐是物有所值的!

7.Amanda: It just seemed pke an odd coincidence that it had to happen today.阿曼达:金鱼非得今天死,这真巧合。

8.We meet them after they've been forced to leave their previous ranch in a chain of events chalked up to Lennie's odd behavior.小说一开始,他们已经因为伦尼的古怪行为所引起的一连串事件,被迫离开了以往工作的牧场。

9.It is so odd to me, that you should never have read Udolpho before; but I suppose Mrs. Morland objects to novels.我觉得真怪.你以前居然没看过《尤多尔弗》。不过我想,莫兰太太反对看小说。

10.Behind the company's auction frenzy is a desire to keep from being the odd man out in the domestic auto industry.在北汽控股热切寻求海外并购的背后,是该公司不想在国内汽车行业出局的愿望。