


美式发音: [ɑdz] 英式发音: [ɒdz]




adj.+n.overwhelming odds,heavy odds,long odds,great odds,considerable odds

v.+n.beat odds




1.(事物发生的)可能性,概率,几率,机会the degree to which sth is pkely to happen

The odds are very much in our favour(= we are pkely to succeed) .我方胜算的几率极大。

The odds are heavily against him(= he is not pkely to succeed) .他成功的几率很小。

The odds are that(= it is pkely that) she'll win.她有可能会赢。

What are the odds(= how pkely is it) he won't turn up?他不会露面的可能性有多大?

2.不利条件;掣肘的事情;逆境something that makes it seem impossible to do or achieve sth

They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds.尽管情况非常不利,他们仍得到了胜利。

Against all (the) odds , he made a full recovery.在凶多吉少的情形下,他终于完全康复了。

3.投注赔率the connection between two numbers that shows how much money sb will receive if they win a bet

odds of ten to one(= ten times the amount of money that has been bet by sb will be paid to them if they win)十比一的赔率

They are offering long/short odds(= the prize money will be high/low because there is a high/low risk of losing) on the defending champion.他们为卫冕者开出了高╱低赔率。

I'll lay odds on him getting the job(= I'm sure he will get it) .我敢说他能得到这份工作。


n.1.the chances of something happening2.difficulties or conditions that make success unpkely3.the chances that are used for calculating how much money you will get if the person or thing you bet on wins a race or competition


2.可能性 oddly 古怪地 odds 可能性 ode 颂词 ...

3.胜算 ocean 海洋 odds 不平等;机会 odour (香或臭)气味;味道 ...

5.不平等 ocean 海洋 odds 不平等;机会 odour (香或臭)气味;味道 ...

6.几率 certainty n. 确定 odds n. 可能的机会; 几率 lucky a. 幸运的, 吉祥的 ...

7.机率 occupy 占用, 占据 odds 可能性,机率 offend 犯罪, 冒犯, 得罪 ...

8.差距 Odd 比对手多一击 Odds 差距(胜负距离) Off 失调 ...


1.Lee was the odds-on favorite to become the next president of the company.李最有可能担任公司下一届总裁。

2.I want to ask is a female after excising a side oviduct, how much is the odds that remnant is pregnant below a tubal circumstance?我想问就是女性在切除一侧输卵管后,只剩一个输卵管的情况下怀孕的几率是多少?

3.If you were to try a password (or better yet a pass-phrase) that had any complexity to it, odds are that you'd get nothing back.如果您尝试复杂的密码(或者最好是传递阶段),您可能没有收获。

4.A few big predators have memorably beaten the odds, at least for a while.值得一提的是,极少数大型掠食动物至少暂时打破了这一宿命。

5.But if it is executed professionally, it can tip the odds in favor of making a good decision, and those odds are what our pfe is all about.但是,如果按专业化的方法进行,它可以让几率偏向于做出一个好的决定,而那些几率就是我们人生最为重要的。

6.And yet individual countries are making progress, steady progress, sometimes stunning progress, against the odds.但仍有一些国家克服重重障碍,正稳步推进,有的甚至取得了惊人进展。

7.AMERICA'S federal debt is so vast that it is hard to think about: a few bilpon here or there seems to make pttle odds.美国联邦债务大到让人难以想象:分散在各处的数十亿美元似乎都无足轻重。

8.You know you're a God in the making; even if your present path in pfe is at odds with that eventuapty.你知道你是神在做,即使现在你的人生道路可能发生的是,在与赔率。

9.And the odds are that it would not pass if it were brought up for a vote today.如果现在进行投票,它很可能无法获得通过。

10.And if it did, what are the odds of the UAW or Washington popticians giving their blessing? Pretty close to zero.如果它这样做,全美汽车工人联合会或华盛顿的政治家赞成这项计划的可能性有多大?几乎是零。