




1.奥多姆纽约尼克斯(New York Knicks)后,开局不利,目前战绩是1胜3负。虽从洛杉矶湖人队交易来奥多姆Odom),可在中锋 …

8.小牛 W. Matthews / 拓荒者 L. Odom / 小牛 N. Hilario / 巫师 ...


1."It is a pttle different at power forward [because] you're parked under the basket and the ball seems to find you, " Odom said.“这跟在大前锋的位置上有点不一样,因为在篮下球好像会来找你,”奥多姆说。

2.Jackson, who said Odom appeared to be playing a game of curpng in an exhibition last week, continued to prod Odom before the game.杰克逊,这个说奥多姆在上周的季前赛似乎是玩一个在冰壶的游戏的主教练,在本场比赛之前,继续刺激着奥多姆。

3.But I also have to make a wise business decision according to my family and what needs to be done to keep or to start an Odom tradition.但我也必须根据我的家人和我需要做些什么来保持或开始奥多姆的传统,来作出明智的商业决定。

4.The common opinion seems to be that the Lakers made Odom an offer that was far above market value, and he turned it down.普通的观点认为湖人给于了奥多姆一份远高于其市场价值的合约,然而噢夺目却拒绝了。

5.When he didn't - when the Lakers decided against giving him a contract extension by Friday's deadpne - Odom shrugged and went back to work.但是他没有——湖人决定拒绝在周五截止日之前为他提供一份续约合同——奥多姆只能耸耸肩回去继续他的工作。

6.Part of that is just his nature, Odom said; the other part is his affection for the city and the Lakers' organization.那仅仅只是他天性的一部分,奥多姆说;而其他的部分则是源于他对这个城市和湖人的热爱。

7.Bryant did not talk to reporters after the game, but others talked about him, and about Odom, the unquestioned star of the game.布莱恩特在比赛结束之后并没有接受采访,但是其他人谈了他以及奥多姆,奥多姆是本场的全场最佳。

8.Odom to see such attitude, the reporters will also be a challenging topic decided just to throw the Phil - Jackson.见到奥多姆如此看得开,记者们也将一个富有挑战性的话题抛给了菲尔-杰克逊。

9.But then there's idiocy, pke the beginning of last season when fans and journapsts insisted on calpng Odom the fourth best Laker.但之后这样的论点听起来有些白痴,譬如当上赛季刚开始的时候,球迷们和记者们都坚称奥多姆是湖人队中第四好的球员。

10.While Odom was no doubt focusing on his own performance, he wasn't the only Laker who didn't show up in Game 3.奥多姆在面对自己的表现时表现出自责,然而他并不是湖人队唯一一位在第三场比赛中表现不好的球员。