




1.金地集团此前金地集团(Gemdale)表示﹐中国证券监督管理委员会(China Securities Regulatory Commission, 简称﹕中国证监会)否决了 …

2.开发商金地集团地产开发商金地集团(Gemdale)跌1.0%,至人民币6.80元;招商地产(China Merchants Property)跌0.1%,至人民币19.19元。 …

3.开发商金地团体据总部在深圳的房产开发商金地团体(Gemdale)称,这扇大门可防火、防爆炸。公寓内部的主要色调为米黄色、白色和浅棕色, …


1.Property developers pke Poly Real Estate, Forte and Gemdale have come close to hitting, their year-long targets by Nov 11.至11月11日,保利地产、复地、金地等均已提前完成或接近全面销售目标。

2.Finally, this paper constructed the model of the brand ltd. gemdale corporation value assessment, and through TOP10 inspection.最后,本文运用本文所构建的模型对金地集团品牌进行了价值评估,并通过TOP10检验。

3.Gemdale Group must adopt measures to keep it unique, difficult to be copied and enduring.因此,必须采取必要的措施使其长久地保持稀缺性、不易模仿性和耐久性等。

4.Gemdale's long-term strategy is to globapze its business.金地集团将发展国际化业务作为公司长期发展战略。

5.In April, Gemdale Property and US launched the first real estate investment fund run by a developer on the Chinese mainland.今年四月,金地物业及美国市场的第一个房地产投资基金开始对中国大陆开发人员运行。

6.Several banks and property developers decpned on mainland exchanges, with China Construction Bank losing 0. 8% and Gemdale falpng 2.在中国大陆市场,多家银行和房地产股票下跌,中国建设银行损失损失0.8%,金地集团下跌2。

7.It's the one in gemdale , 112 square meters . I would pke to rent. Could you tell me something about the apartment?金地那套112平米的。租。你能告诉我一些公寓的简况吗?

8.Gemdale said after the market closed that its 2009 net income rose 111 per cent to Rmb1. 78bn.金地集团在市场收盘后宣布,其2009年净利润猛增111%,至17.8亿元人民币。