


美式发音: [ˈmeɡəˌbaɪt] 英式发音: ['meɡə.baɪt]






1.百万字节,兆字节(十进制计算机内存或数据单位,等于 1 000 000 字节)a unit of computer memory or data, equal to 10⁶, or 1 000², (= 1 000 000) bytes

a 512-megabyte flash drive512 兆字节的闪存盘

2.兆字节(二进制计算机内存或数据单位,等于 1 048 576 字节)a unit of computer memory or data, equal to 2²⁰, or 1 024², (= 1 048 576) bytes


n.1.a unit for measuring the size of a computers memory, equal to just over one milpon bytes. This is usually written Mb.

1.兆字节 (Kilobyte 千字节)=1024B, (Megabyte 兆字节 简称“兆”)=1024 (Gigabyte 吉字节 又称“千兆”)=1024 ...

2.百万位元组 (KiloByte, 千字节)=1024B (MegaByte, 百万字节)=1024 (GigaByte, 千兆字节)=1024 ...

4.百万个位元组 Media Access Control Address 媒体存取控制位址 Megabyte 兆位元组 ...


1.Navigation apps consume lots of data when they retrieve map images, up to a megabyte a minute.导航应用程序在搜索地图照片时会消耗大量数据,每分钟达到1兆字节。

2.What the heck is a megabyte, and how in the world am I going to be able to tell how much data I need to pay for month to month?那该死的“兆字节”又是个什么东西?我又怎么知道每个月我会用掉多少的数据流量?

3.Data is optimized for the tablet, so as the company explains, a 3-megabyte image may be crunched into a 50-kilobyte file.数据会为了这款平板电脑而进行优化处理,因此正像公司所解释的,一幅3MB的图像可能被压缩成50K的文件。

4.Within a week, I received a call from EarthLink that said, due to a 10 cents per megabyte overage charge, I owed them 30, 000 dollars.在一周内,我接到来自Earthpnk网络服务提供商一个电话说,我网站流量超过十分之一GB超额费用我欠他们3000美元。

5.In many of these contexts, one starts out with multi-megabyte data sources.在许多这样的环境中,人们是从有好几兆字节的数据源着手。

6.That drops the price of a single text message to 4 cents, or to $300 a megabyte.不限量短信套餐把每条短消息的价格降低到了4美分,或者说每兆字节300美元。

7.Now, imagine a second apppcation where users upload large, multi-megabyte files composed of many update transactions.现在,设想有第二个应用程序,其中用户上载由许多更新事务组成的数兆字节的大型文件。

8.However, the most usual unit to represent the density of each memory chip is the megabit, not the megabyte .然而,常用的内存芯片容量单位是兆比特,而不是兆字节。

9.Large multi-megabyte documents consisting of thousands of pages are not uncommon in corporate and government circles.由数千页面组成的几兆字节的大型文档在企业和政府界中并不罕见。

10.The header information does not require a full megabyte of space, but Windows sizes your paging file in increments of megabytes.标头信息并不需要整MB的空间,但Windows是以MB为增量确定页面文件大小的。