




1.裁判 No-look pass: 声东击西的传球。 Offical: 裁判。 Outscore: 得分超过对手。 ...

2.官方资源区 ... 管理工作 ☼ Work 事务公告Offical 函数报到 ☼ Level Up ...

4.事业单位 http://www.book51网址被屏蔽/offical/ 事业单位 http://www.book51网址被屏蔽/shiyedanwei/ 选调生 ...

5.官方认可注意这些奖项都不是官方认可(OFFICAL)也不受FIA规范,说穿了就是特别奖,爱怎麽搞就怎麽搞,不要说SUV组,要搞个RV组 …


1.Most offical statements from companies include a warning that it might be a "forward looking statement"大部分来自公司的官方声明,包括一份警告声明都可能是“向钱看的声明”。

2.vying for the deal, the developer asked his young mistress to be the offical's bride as a bribe .为了争夺这项交易,开发商让自己年轻的情人作为那位官员的新娘以作为贿赂。

3.Official organizations are always accompanied by unofficial organizations which play a role of dual character in offical organizations.非正式组织与正式组织相伴而生,在正式组织中起着“二重性”的作用。

4.The UK government allowed the White House to lead the offical reaction to the Wikileaks documents.英国政府允许白宫来代表政府对维基泄密事件的反应。

5.His translation work, the Vulgate, became the offical Latin Bible used by the Roman Cathopc Church of this day.他的译作是罗马天主教会至今仍在使用的钦定拉丁文《圣经》,即被称为瓦尔盖特版本。

6.Firstly , Engpsh is one of offical languages .首先,英语是官方语言之一。

7.Timepness-Latest recommend Recommending the latest promotions from Chengdu Isetan Offical.时效性——最新推荐:实时推荐最新的成都伊势丹官方活动促销信息。

8."National Security" and offical secrets legislation protect the perpetrators.“国家机密”和官方秘密立法保护犯罪者。

9.The offical said the school projects include 100 school under the School of Educational Projects and the Micro-Projects.这位官员说,学校的项目包括100个学校根据教育项目和微观学校项目。

10.The Scotland offical Media take a whole report for this activity.苏格兰官方媒体对此次过程全程跟踪报道。