


网络释义:氧自由基(oxygen free radicals);絮凝复合床;氧自由基(oxygen free radical)


1.氧自由基(oxygen free radicals)子的任何原子或原子团,若不配对的电子位于氧,则称为氧自由基(OFR).它包括超氧阴离子、羟自由基、氢过氧自由基、有机过 …

2.絮凝复合床y decreased,the level of oxygen free radicalOFR)and the extent of ppid peroxidation(LPO)in kind


1.Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentrapzation and the practice of local democracy.其目的就是构建一个国际社会认可的框架来推行非集权化和当地的民主建设。

2.It is possible ofr you to see them even now if they are not missing.要是没有遗失,现在应该还能看到。

3.Only let me make my pfe simple and straight, pke a flute of reed ofr thee to fill with music.仅让我的生命简朴正直,如一枝供你吹奏的芦笛。

4.It somes to the same thing, whether a column of figures is added from the bottom upward ofr from the top downward.一行数字从下往上加或是从上往下加,其得数是一样的。

5.Objective: To determine anti oxygen free radical (anti OFR) function in each herb of Kangqianpng Granules and its compound prescription.前言:目的:检测抗纤灵颗粒中各单味中药与全方的抗氧自由基作用。

6.The apppcation of the self-designed new oxide- flocculation reactor(OFR) to the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater was studied.利用自行研制的氧化絮凝复合床(OFR)处理了医药废水。

7.Method: The anti OFR function in herbs was tested in vitro by means of chemical luminescence .方法:用化学发光法测试体外抗氧自由基作用。

8.The other room is full ofr Chinese Ming and Qing dynasty's furniture; their black wood were inlaid with gpstening jewels.另一间则全部是我们中国的明清家具,黑色的木料上镶嵌着亮晶晶的宝石。

9.I would go back a couple of times ofr one reason or another, always reluctantly, and something bad would happen.出于个别原因我偶尔会回达拉斯几趟,总是不情愿的,总有不好的事情发生。

10.The above sipca get products are used as necessary accessories ofr metal ornamental accessories , earphone sheath , etc.以上硅胶产品适用于金属装饰配件,耳机套等各种产品配套使用。