



美式发音: [ˈmɔrnɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmɔː(r)nɪŋ]



复数:mornings  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.early morning,good morning,cold morning,sunny morning,late morning

v.+n.do morning,work morning,come morning,meet morning,say morning


n.dawn,daybreak,sunrise,break of day,cockcrow



n.1.早晨2.上午;(上层社会晚餐前的)白天〔例:morning performance 〔英国〕(午后开演的日戏)〕3.〈诗〉黎明;黎明的女神4.初期,早期1.早晨2.上午;(上层社会晚餐前的)白天〔例:morning performance 〔英国〕(午后开演的日戏)〕3.〈诗〉黎明;黎明的女神4.初期,早期

n.1.the part of the day from when the sun rises until noon; between midnight and noon

int.1网站屏蔽ed for saying hello to someone in the morning

1.早晨 apostrophe n. 省略符号, 呼语 mornings n. 早晨, 上午 preventing v. 防止, 预防 ...

2.上午 apostrophe n. 省略符号, 呼语 mornings n. 早晨, 上午 preventing v. 防止, 预防 ...

3.每天早晨 morning watch (自上午四时至八时的)早班 mornings 每天早晨[上午] ...

4.在上午 ... (mornings) 在上午,每天上午 a son of the morning n. 趁早赶路的人 ...


1.He had done a few days navvy work when he could get it, and he had run around the Domain in the early mornings to get his legs in shape.他有时能找到几天卖苦力的差使干干。每天早晨他都要沿着都门公园跑上几圈,活动活动腿脚。

2.But a spectator-presidency of this sort would have had pttle appeal once one in five workers had nowhere to go in the mornings.然而有五分之一的工人在早上无所是事,这样的情况令这种旁观式的管理鲜有吸引力。

3.Though dusk might have come a pttle too soon, many mornings have been brought about by it.黄昏也许来得早了点,但您创造了多少个早晨。

4.It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my pttle daughter, Gigi.这是我和我的小女儿Gigi所度过的一个最幸福的周六上午。

5.The calmness of the mornings will start you out on a firm and steady pace for your whole day.早晨的平静会开始你一整天坚定而稳健的步伐。

6.Many mornings, she would wake up to the kiss of a stranger, unable to remember what had happened the night before.每天早上,她都会在一个陌生人的亲吻下醒来,却记不起发生了什么事。

7.For the second purpose, it was more useful even than reading, although in the mornings of course you want your newspaper with your coffee.画画的第二个原因呢,就是画画比阅读用处大多了;当然早上一杯咖啡、在加一张报纸的惬意时刻除外,那不能少。

8.Mornings begin with the smell of my "get up and go fast" brew in the kitchen before I fly out the door on my way to a run or the gym.每天清晨在我冲出家门去跑步或者去健身房之前,我是闻着厨房的“起床快跑”的煮咖啡的清香开始的。

9.To make mornings less harried, he no longer ran errands on his way to work.为了让早晨少一份烦扰,他不再在上班的路上办小差事了。

10.In the evenings he studied hard for his exams, and most mornings he took tourists around Oxford.晚上他努力学习为考试作准备,而大多数上午他带领游人参观牛津大学。