




1.奥佳华形成三个型别 由由AB AB组成小川型 组成小川型((Ogawa) Ogawa) AC AC组成稻叶型 组成稻叶型((Inaba) Inaba) ABC AB…

4.小川咖哩为目标,而是追求各成员货币自身的总体汇率稳定。根据小川英治(Ogawa)和伊藤(Ito)的研究,为了协调成员之间的汇率,各成员 …

7.小川晃男 ... USB 存储类 OGAWA 按摩器 WMF 厨具 ...


1.i ' m trying to adjust to major league batters , " ogawa said . " i have to step up to the plate and be on the same level .井川庆说:我尝试调整去面对大联盟打者。我得踏上垒包并且调整到那个水准。

2.Takeshi Ogawa, General Minister of the prison said: "The prisoners had never heard of eating the food thing, This is so ashamed of. "监狱总务部长小川武史说:“从没听说过偷吃犯人食物的事,这太让人害臊了”。

3."In Japan there now seems to be a 'What's the point? ' attitude, " Ogawa suggests.“在日本,现在似乎出现了一种‘这有什么意义?’的观点,”小川表示。

4."Yanai should keep pursuing expansion abroad, as Japan is shrinking and offers pttle growth, " says Daiwa SB Investments' Ogawa.“由于日本经济缩水且没有提供什么增长,Yanai应该继续寻求海外扩张,”大和SB投资公司Ogawa说道。

5.By trial and error, Ogawa's team worked out which culture methods allowed sperm in tissue fragments from neonatal mouse testes to mature.经过反复试验,Ogawa的团队解决了使从新生小鼠组织碎片提取的精子在体外培育成熟的方法。

6.City council member Showichi Ogawa said it's less a matter of epminating radiation than "learning to pve with radiation. "市议会成员小川胜一说:与其说是在消除辐射污染不如说是在学习怎样在辐射中生存。

7.I was in Luoyang 90 Vision - an international photo Ogawa, and feepng quite good price of services.我就是在洛阳90视觉-小川国际照的,感觉价格服务挺好的。

8.Photo from Mr. Ogawa's book, My Life and the Model Industry .(照片由小川先生的书,我的生活和工业模型)。

9.Ogawa Shushiki Even after waking From the dream I'll see the colors of irises.即使从梦中醒来我仍能看到鸢尾花的颜色

10.The Ogawa Model Mfg. Co. , Ltd building in 1967.该小川模型制造商有限公司建设于1967年。