




1.老杰克,是八条狗中的老大;忠实的矮子(shortie);老实的老杰克old jack);力气大的杜鲁门(truman)以及他的双胞胎兄弟 …


1.You don' t mean to say that old Jack is still kicking around ! He must be a hundred, if a day.你的意思不见得是说老杰克还活着吧!要真是这样,他一定足足有一百岁了。

2.Even when United's movement was at its most fluent, their old jack-of-all-trades was to be found breaking up attack after attack.即便在曼联运作最为流畅的时候,他们的老队员还是能把曼联的进攻一一化解。

3.My heart bleeds for poor old Jack. First he loses his job, and now his wife has gone of with his best friend, Henry.可怜的老杰克真可怜;工作丢了,老板也跟他最要好的朋友亨利跑了。

4.Statistics show that with "Old Jack" transponder stolen cars, found the rate of up to 98%.统计数字显示,装有“老杰克”应答器的失车,寻获率高达98%。

5.Called "Old Jack" The car alarm system, key components of a cigarette box-sized transponder, the owner may have it hidden in a car cover.这种名为“老杰克”的汽车防盗系统,关键部件是一种香烟盒大小的发射机应答器,车主可能把它藏在车上任何一个隐蔽处。

6.This school year, her 12-year-old, Jack, called her on her habit.本学年,汉布里克12岁的儿子杰克(Jack)对她的习惯提出抗议。

7.New York popce are questioning this wanted man, 44-year-old Jack Roads, in the mugging of a 101-year-old woman who uses a walker.纽约警方正在盘问一名通缉犯,44岁的杰克偌德。他袭击了一位拄拐杖的101岁老妇人。

8.It's you and old Jack. Come on. Come on. That's a boy.是你和老杰克。过来。过来。这才是乖孩子。

9.OLD JACK The oldest old Jack is very good at playing cards, by the beautiful black and white flower dog Sally plays.年纪最大的老杰克以擅长打牌,由漂亮的黑白花犬萨利扮演。

10.Old Jack's a careful worker.老杰克做事很细心。